Midterm Elections 2022


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[1] Katie Hobbs laughs and stammers while taking the oath of office

[2] Arizona Gov.-elect Katie Hobbs files sanctions against former candidate Kari Lake

[3] Fishy Business – Arizona Mandatory Recounts Revealing Significant GOP Gains

[4] Incoming GOP Congressman George Santos Admits He Lied About Significant Portions of His Background

[5] Fishy Business – Arizona Mandatory Recounts Revealing Significant GOP Gains, Hobbs Sealed Results Un

[6] BREAKING: Internal Source Says “Significant Miscount” In Abe Hamadeh’s Recount Nets Hamadeh With Hun

[7] McConnell says Trump turned off GOP voters by making party look ‘sort of nasty’

[8] Mike Lindell questions DeSantis 2022 election win: ‘I don’t believe it’

[9] Scoop: Stacey Abrams campaign in debt after blowout loss


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