Midterm Elections 2022


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[1] Mid-term Election 2022 Live Thread – Welcome to the Party Pal!

[2] Opinion | Biden’s Historic Flop Came at the Worst Possible Moment

[3] Nevada Saw A Flood Of Ballots Pour In Post-Election Day 2022

[4] Non-Profit Urges Investigations of Additional Suspected Voter Fraud Cases, Part 2

[5] MOVED: Poll: 1 in 5 Mail-in Voters Admitted to Casting Illegal Ballots

[6] Another Dem Charged With Election Fraud – What Happened To Those ‘Super-Secure’ Elections?

[7] Fraud in the Arizona Election: There’s No Evidence!!

[8] Judicial Watch Sues Homeland Security for Records Tied to Election Censorship Collusion

[9] Public Forced To Wait As Mohave County Judge Shows No Urgency In Attorney General Election Case


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