Military History


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[1] WWII ‘Ghost Army’ was a secret for 51 years. NC vet now being honored for his role.

[2] A-1 Skyraider: How the A-10 Warthog Was Born?

[3] The B-52 is 70 Years Old (as of April 15)

[4] The story behind the large concrete arrows scattered across Utah

[5] Alone and Unknown: Custer's Unidentified Soldier

[6] The two von Trapp brothers from ‘The Sound of Music’ served in the 10th Mountain during WWII

[7] Georg Luger: The Forgotten History of the Man Who Designed the Luger Pistol and 9mm Ammo

[8] Helen Viola Jackson, America’s last known Civil War widow, dead at 101

[9] Angels of Bataan: The WWII Nurses Who Stayed Behind


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