Elections 2020


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[1] They All Suck: Nevada Union Refuses To Endorse A 2020 Democratic Candidate

[2] Navy SEAL Who Killed Bin Laden Tells Buttigieg: ‘Stop Playing War Hero’

[3] Chuck Todd: No clue why Sanders is ‘considered a front-runner’

[4] Las Vegas newspaper endorses Biden and Klobuchar, scorches 'non-starter' Sanders

[5] Joe Biden Says He ‘Can Hardly Wait’ To Get Donald Trump On The Debate Stage

[6] The Newest Democrat Scheme to ‘Get’ the President

[7] ANALYSIS: What revolution? New Hampshire results show Bernie Sanders base of support shrinking

[8] Haaretz- Opinion AIPAC Must Stop Bernie Sanders – at All Costs

[9] Trump Beats Obama Turnout Numbers for Incumbent New Hampshire Primary


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