Elections 2020


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[1] Why we can say, conclusively, the 2020 vote was rigged

[2] 34,000 Illegal 2020 Election Ballots Found in Michigan during Forensic Study

[3] Donald Trump indicted: Secret memo outlined former president's strategy to overturn 2020 election

[4] Newly-unearthed memo lays out ‘controversial’ strategy for Trump to overturn 2020 election

[5] Judge Grants Trump Immunity in Pennsylvania Election Worker’s Lawsuit

[6] REPORT: Fulton County DA Moving To Hit Trump With ‘Conspiracy To Commit Election Fraud’ Charges

[7] Rudy Giuliani admits to making ‘false’ statements about Georgia election workers

[8] Special counsel obtains thousands of documents from Rudy Giuliani team that tried to find fraud afte

[9] BEHOLD: Unearthed 2020 electoral theft plot by John Podesta & Co. to hand election over to Biden (in


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