Elections 2020


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[1] Impeachment backfire? Schiff opponent launches new ad thanking him for helping Trump

[2] These Numbers Show Why Bernie Dominated Nevada...And Why a 'Stop Sanders' Movement Isn't Going to Ha

[3] Democratic Party Establishment Freakout After Bernie Sanders Wins Nevada

[4] Bernie Sanders leads the polls, but Democratic Party superdelegates won’t commit

[5] 'Turnout machine': How Bernie Sanders won the Nevada caucuses

[6] Trump campaign: 'No denying' socialism dominated Nevada with Sanders win

[7] After This Story About a Wife of an Ex-Employee, You Can See Why Bloomberg Wants This NDA Circus to

[8] Bernie Sanders Loses It When Bloomberg Calls Him The ‘Best Known Socialist’ Who ‘Happens To Be A Mil

[9] Bloomberg openly plans to win the Dems’ nomination by a brokered convention in Milwaukee


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