Elections 2020


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[1] Nolte: Bloomberg Internal Poll Shows Bernie Could Flip House to GOP

[2] Bernie Sanders to Fund ‘Major’ Multitrillion-Dollar Plans with Military Cuts, Taxes, Lawsuits

[3] Cardiologist: Bernie Sanders Hiding a Key Metric of His Heart Health

[4] ‘What!?’ Camerota stunned when Bloomberg adviser drops salacious, but longstanding allegations again

[5] Demographic Change In America Fuels Bernie's Socialist Revolution

[6] Poll: Biden holds 15-point lead in South Carolina

[7] Bernie Sanders proposes $1.5 trillion universal child care financed by 'tax on extreme wealth'

[8] Buttigieg bolts after he’s booed and shouted down at minimum-wage rally: ‘Pete can’t be our presiden

[9] A Bernie Sanders presidency could be a nightmare for Saudi Arabia


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