PJ Comix


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[1] VIDEO: Chunk Yogurt Hits Ana Kasparian With EMBARRASSING Laptop Fact Check

[2] VIDEO: Jake Tapper Oddly Fixated on Arnold Palmer's Body Part

[3] VIDEO: Smilin' Democrat Dan Despairs Over Party Betrayals

[4] VIDEO: My Mind Is Trapped by INTOXICATING Char Siu Sweet Chinese Ribs

[5] VIDEO: Mark McKinnon Spins Kamala's Fox Interview from the BS Universe

[6] VIDEO: Can Electroshock Therapy Cure Extreme TDS?

[7] VIDEO: FBI Gives Golf Club Assassin Case Update in the Humorverse

[8] VIDEO: The Morning Mika Tell that Kamala is CRASHING

[9] VIDEO: Are These Paid DNC Shills Performing a Weird Mating Ritual Dance?


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