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[1] Malliotakis, Rose set November rematch in Staten Island House race

[2] Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney easily beats lefty Alessandra Biaggi in NY-17

[3] Mayor Eric Adams whacks ‘silly’ NY Times as questions grow on how he funds party lifestyle

[4] ‘You’re not New Yorkers’: Hochul says political rivals like Zeldin ought to move to Florida

[5] Governor of New York Signs Law Banning ‘Gendered Language’ in Workplaces

[6] 63% of NYC residents caught COVID-19, though half not boosted: CUNY poll

[7] Rewarded for fraud: A textbook case of NYC Department of Education cronyism

[8] How upstate NY special House election could be midterm ‘bellwether’

[9] Pair caught on video impersonating cops storm NYC woman’s apartment, steal $10K


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