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[1] Nearly 300 NYPD Officers File for Retirement as Violent Crime Surges

[2] 11 Shot in Under 12 Hours in Democrat-Controlled NYC

[3] De Blasio under siege as ‘Occupy City Hall’ protesters blackmail mayor with radical demands

[4] The Nation magazine pens ‘unendorsement’ of Mayor de Blasio over NYPD policies

[5] De Blasio’s performance grows worse by the day, making NYC unlivable: Goodwin

[6] De Blasio Plans 'Black Lives Matter' Mural Across from Trump Tower for an Audience of One

[7] Voting fraud charges filed against Paterson councilman and councilman-elect

[8] 1 in 5 Mail-In Ballots Rejected as Fraudulent in New Jersey Election

[9] Federal Court Blocks Cuomo, De Blasio From Restricting Outdoor Worship After They Condoned Protests


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