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[1] NYPD ramps up security for Israel Day Parade

[2] NY Governor Quietly Grants Clemency to Murderers

[3] 'Excellent swimmers': Dem mayor floats migrants as solution for city's lifeguard shortage

[4] Alvin Bragg Offers Plea Deals to Migrants Accused of Attacking NYC Cops as He Prosecutes Trump

[5] Commuter alert: significant delays reported on GWB amid concern over possible protests

[6] ‘Boardwalk Empire’ star Steve Buscemi punched by maniac in random NYC attack

[7] Gov. Hochul says young black kids don't know the word "computer"

[8] NY lawmaker who voted for the ‘get Trump’ Adult Survivors Act gets hit with a rape lawsuit, so now h

[9] Felony Assaults on Subway Jump 53 Percent in Gun-Controlled, Democrat-Run NYC


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