State Politics/Government


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[1] Seattle Recruiting Non-Citizens, DACA Recipients to Become Police Officers

[2] Because LA Didn’t Remove Homeless Camps, Home and Business Owners Pay for Planters to Keep Sidewalks

[3] Pedo catcher exposes Maryland Democratic leader in underage meet-up

[4] DO NOT COME: Atlanta Residents Are Sick of Kamala Harris

[5] Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders has signed a law drastically reducing property & income tax

[6] Louisiana Becomes First State to Require Ten Commandments to Be Displayed in Public School Classroom

[7] U.S. city allows non-citizens to vote, now faces serious action

[8] Harvard student charged with harassing Jewish classmates lands DC public defender job

[9] Gov-funded Maine non-profit gives kits to addicts to allow them to take drugs anally


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