State Politics/Government


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[1] Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner impeached by Pennsylvania lawmakers in GOP-led effort: 'Crisis of crim

[2] Georgia judge blocks state's law outlawing most abortions after six weeks

[3] Colorado Votes to Decriminalize Shrooms and Other Psychedelics

[4] King County (WA) goes to war with Christmas, Hanukkah decorations

[5] WV: Mooney announces for Senate, revving up race to take on Manchin

[6] Campaign to extend Idaho's western border gains more Oregon support

[7] Freedom Caucus Rep. Andy Biggs says 'not so fast' to McCarthy speakership after disappointing electi

[8] Iowa voters adopt amendment adding right to keep and bear firearms to state constitution

[9] Oz pulls ahead of Fetterman in two more post-debate Pa. Senate polls


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