State Politics/Government


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[1] LA mayor pleads for wealthy to help buy housing for the homeless: 'Unprecedented partnership'

[2] Michigan protesters yell ‘Death to America’ in raging rally held in Rashida Tlaib’s district

[3] The Wheels Come Off the Woke Agenda in Massachusetts

[4] Michigan Democrats regain full control of state government for first time in 40 years

[5] Residents of this state pay $987,117 in lifetime taxes. Guess which one?

[6] Denver Mayor: ‘We Want to Be a Welcoming City’ for Migrants, That ‘Requires Shared Sacrifice’

[7] DC Isn’t Enforcing License Plate, Registration Laws on Illegal Aliens Driving Motorized Bikes

[8] Secretary of State Wes Allen touts new voter integrity system, finds over 109,000 ineligible voters

[9] Activist dies after being hit by SUV near Cider Riot, Portland left-wing hangout


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