State Politics/Government


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[1] Trump's Harley boycott call roils Wisconsin primary

[2] Gov. Hogan avoids Trump trap set by Maryland Democrats, stays far ahead of Jealous in polls

[3] Marco Rubio endorses Stoneman Douglas parent running for Broward School Board

[4] Scott Walker's former Corrections leader releases tell-all book: 'Unethical'

[5] Minnesota governor establishes statewide Beyonce and Jay-Z day

[6] Notorious Ferguson Prosecutor Ousted in a Night of Victories and Disappointments for Insurgent Cand

[7] Minnesota Attorney General — Now Democratic Frontrunner for Governor — Relied on Government Employee

[8] Scott Walker raises six times more than Democratic frontrunner Tony Evers ahead of Aug. 14 primary

[9] Scott Walker: 'No value' to visiting state prisons


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