State Politics/Government


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[1] Judge declares ‘constitutional rights not absolute’ in upholding Michigan stay-home order

[2] Trump facing fight to keep Georgia in GOP column: Internal poll

[3] Michigan House Won’t Extend State of Emergency, Votes to Sue Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Instead

[4] Virginia to allow non-emergency doctor visits later this week

[5] Who Do They Think They Are? Knox County, Tenn., Bans Communion, Hymnals—and Even Bibles—at Church

[6] South Carolina Mayor Warns: ‘Do Not Cross the Georgia Line’

[7] Alabama economy to reopen in phases starting Thursday at 5 p.m.

[8] Here’s how Gov. Mike DeWine plans to reopen Ohio amid the coronavirus pandemic

[9] Maryland GOP Gov. Hogan message machine counters Trump with daily media offensive


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