State Politics/Government


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[1] Minneapolis City Council unanimously approves proposal to dismantle police department

[2] Oregon county imposes face mask requirement targeting only white people, minorities exempt over raci

[3] Mayor of Green Bay pens open letter to Trump ahead of his visit: 'We don't endorse divisive bigoted

[4] He Spent 5 Days in Seattle’s CHOP. Here’s What He Saw.

[5] State Senator: Gretchen Whitmer ‘Cold-Blooded Killed’ Nursing Home Patients; Vows to Prosecute Gover

[6] Seattle's CHOP Just Cost The City A Billion Dollar Company

[7] Danie Gade

[8] More gunfire as Minneapolis calls in other agencies to help restore order

[9] Seattle mayor says police will return to abandoned station in protest zone


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