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[1] Why Journalists Always Tap the Brakes on Terrorism Stories

[2] U.N. insult could speed U.S. Embassy move to Jerusalem

[3] Top 10 funniest news stories of 2016. Year of Trump includes 'Hillary's No. 2' and media meltdowns

[4] Hillary's Horribles

[5] Does Anyone Besides Jeff Sessions Defend Today’s Civil-Forfeiture Practices?

[6] The Soviet Union 25 Years On: ‘A Story of Crushing Tyranny and Oceans of Blood’

[7] Rob Schneider: “Blaming the Russians for losing the election is like blaming the hotel room for getting caught with a prostitute”

[8] George Washington’s Advice to Us Now…

[9] Conservatism and Progressivism: Two Irreconcilable Worldviews


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