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[1] Obama to Israel: Drop dead...By Cal Thomas

[2] Delusional, defensive Obama can’t see a legacy in tatters

[3] 2016: The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Year

[4] How George Soros Destroyed the Democratic Party

[5] ‘White fear’ a driver that destroyed Dems under black Obama, says CNBC anchor John Harwood, but wait . . .

[6] Without Providing Any Evidence Of Hacking, Obama To Announce “Punishment” Plan For Russia

[7] How North Korea and the Obama Regime Both Use the Same Mind Control Techniques Against Their Citizens (Video)

[8] Krauthammer Rips UN Vote on Israel: Trump Should Buy the HQ and 'Turn It Into Condos'

[9] Trump Would Have Beaten Delusional Obama


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