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[1] Audit: California Lost Track of $24 Billion Spent to Combat Homelessness

[2] California Dems Want To Fast-Track Medical Licenses for Applicants Who Will Provide Gender-Affirming

[3] CA City pays nearly $900,000 for ‘psychological torture’ inflicted by police to get false confession

[4] L A Times Editorial Hypes Massive “Climate Recovery Act” Penalties on Fossil Fuel Energy Suppliers t

[5] 16 Brutal Truths Why California's Hype Has Crashed

[6] Final decision on Bible club after 7 months of 'anti-Christian hostility'

[7] California Fleeing

[8] Gavin Newsom Rebuked by California Newspaper: 'Should Be Ashamed'

[9] Californians Protest Fast Food Price Rises by Spending Elsewhere: ‘I Feel Ripped Off’


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