Life News


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[1] Christian Colleges & Universities That Support Planned Parenthood in the United States

[2] Report: More Than 171,000 Women Went Out of State for Abortions in 2023

[3] Planned Parenthood Officials Admit They “Pull Off a Leg or Two” to Sell Aborted Baby Parts for More

[4] Gov. Tim Walz Signed Law Permitting Abortion Without Limits and Defunded Crisis Pregnancy Centers

[5] This incredible scan captured footage of what unborn babies do in the womb.

[6] Woman: “I’ve Had Five Abortions Because I Love Getting Pregnant But Don’t Want Kids”

[7] Judge denies Planned Parenthood's request to dismiss video-based lawsuit

[8] Kentucky baby is 50th to be saved by a Safe Haven Baby Box

[9] Research Confirms 95.9% of Abortions are Killing Babies as Birth Control, Just .4% for Rape


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