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[1] Drizzle Drizzle; men have flipped the script but women DON'T GET IT ~ emilywking

[2] Video: Woman Attacks Chicago Police Officer, Steals His Squad Car, Runs Him Over – Here’s the Judge

[3] Thought For The Day by John Jaeger, MBA

[4] Your Brain - Use It or Lose It

[5] Dutch Prime Minister 5-Step Plan to End Muslim Insanity!

[6] QAnoners, what is the official QAnon position on the Israel vs. terrorist situation?

[7] Atheist Fantasy of Multiverse is Anti-Science

[8] Woman finds her 'euthanized' puppy up for adoption a year later - now she wants him back

[9] Response to University of London "Scholars" - May They Rot in Hell


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