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Hawass Claims To Know With Certainty The Location Of Cleopatra’s Tomb


Hawass Claims To Know With Certainty The Location Of Cleopatra’s Tomb
by Ivan

Zahi Hawass is an Egyptian archaeologist, an Egyptologist, and former Minister of State for Antiquities Affairs. He is also a man who has worked at archaeological sites in the Nile Delta, the Western Desert, and the Upper Nile Valley.
Taporsiris Magna- Egypt. Image Credit: Ehab Samy / Wikimedia Commons.

When it comes to ancient Egypt, many refer to him as the man who knows it all.

And although some believe he is a true expert and leader in his field, there are others who believe that while he has presented to the world a plethora of archeological discoveries throughout his career, he also hid from the public a number of discoveries that could change the way we think about ancient Egypt.

 I'll bet its somewhere in Egypt! wink777

Hawass couldn't find his ass with a map...takes the credit from the work of his subordinates and many others.


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