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Posted on May 20, 2014   

BEFORE we delve into the heart of the matter, please recall who the Governor of New Hampshire is. In fact, the Mrs. in charge of the citizens of New Hampshire is married to the principal of Phillips Exeter Academy, a prep school featured within these pages. A real power couple. How nice for them.

Full Disclosure: a few close acquaintances/business associates graduated from the halls of Philips Exeter Academy (the subject below) back in the early 1980′s, and just a few years before its Islamic infestation. These individuals are at the top of their chosen professions, therefore, the influence many of its graduates yield is considerable, even if not in the Presidential arena.

‘Academy That Produced Three Presidents Now Terrorist Breeding Ground’


Meet Maggie Hassan, the Democratic candidate for governor in the state of New Hamphshire. Maggie is married to Thomas Hassan, the principal of Phillips Exeter Academy. For those of you who are not familiar with Phillips Exeter Academy, it is ranked the number six school in the country and has an extremely impressive list of alumni that includes Oliver Wendell Holmes, John F. Kennedy and the list goes on:  Bill Belichick, coach of New England Patriots; James Spader the actor; Dr. Spock, renowned pediatrician from the 1950’s, and many more. The list is like a “who’s who” of American history, and there is no doubt that the students currently enrolled will have similar power and influence in the decades to come. So what could be the problem with that? The short answer: radical Islam.

To quote an excellent article by Chris Anu of the New Hampshire Herald:

…On Thomas Hassan’s watch, numerous Islamic scholars and activists with ties to radical Islamic groups have been invited to address student assemblies and other student forums. Among them, Hadia Mubarak, former president of the Muslim Student Association, spoke at a PEA assembly on Oct, 1, 2007. Founded by the Muslim Brotherhood, the MSA was labeled “a virtual terror factory” by terrorism expert Patrick Poole. Its former members include such notable jihadists as Anwar al-Awlaki, Ramy Zamzam, Omar Hammami, Abdurahman Alamoudi, Aafia Siddiqui and Ramzi Yousef.

With the above in mind, it is hardly surprising that strong-arm tactics are being used against anyone who refuses to toe the radical left’s dictates or the increasingly emboldened thrusts by Islamists. Readers must internalize that one does not negate the other, in fact, they feed off of each other! Dracula-like. Hence, the constant reference to the red/green alliance.

Into this arena, along came a concerned father from the small state of New Hampshire (he happens to be a lawyer, having worked in the NYC Prosecutor’s office, not exactly a milieu which renders one squeamish, nor aghast at heavy-handed actions) who became duly alarmed by a particular book assigned to his 14 year old daughter. Not unlike any responsible parent, he placed a call into the principal’s office. No one responded to his concerns. After several failed attempts, he attended a school board meeting to address the issue. Well and good – or so you would think.

Now, the fact that the book was written by a bestselling author is neither here nor there. But what does matter is the absolute graphic and sexual nature of this work of fiction, which in the “infinite wisdom” of leftist driven school officials is supposed to teach requisite lessons. It is “a fictional account of a school shooting in New Hampshire that lasted for 19 minutes (hence the title) that contains explicit and graphic sexual material, along with arguably controversial messages about homicide and yes, gun violence”.

What’s the point? Well, even though authors are free to sell their stories – PG rated or XXX – responsible parents are allowed (actually obligated) to object to material they consider gratuitously sexual and violent in nature. The questions become: what are the educators in America, the poohbahs, thinking? and what is their driving force?

In the main, there is a concerted push to “desensitize” students to graphic sexual content and lifestyles. At the same time, they are bent on indoctrinating them into a gun control mindset, and their methods are targeted in approach.

Adding to the incendiary mix is the vise-grip surrounding all those who refuse to cow to their radical, revolutionary, anti-freedom agenda. Consider: how much easier is it to deconstruct America, especially when every sexual lifestyle is seen as “equal”(hence the push for graphic materials etc) and citizens are terrified to express opposing views, fearing they too will be arrested for resisting said putsch?

When protecting your children becomes a crime against the state in New Hampshire – The critical back-story now told

Northeast Intelligence Network