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Grade school level of learning seems to be impossible for many to get past.  Democrats keep demanding everything will be wonderful when they completely take over.  And of the many times and places they have taken over?  People live on the streets, and once prosperous bid cities collapse, like DETROIT.  aS long AS THIS HAS GONE ON, how can people still be too stupid to have not learned from it?
The top of the ticket has always accepted responsibility for helping the underticket because 1.) the top guy generally has more credibility and pull so it’s easier for him to raise money and 2.) the top guy needs a House and Senate controlled by his party. But accepting responsibility has never been a Trump trait.
Israel just struck Iran on Ayatollah Khamenei’s birthday.

Happy Birthday Khamenei...

Iran now vowing to strike nuclear sites in Israel.

             In Iran right now
I think I'll keep it here for tonight and start a new one in the morning...unless if someone else wants to and I will sticky it..

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