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He caved because he’s weak and unprincipled and, like the rest of the GOP establishment, doesn’t care what Republican voters think.

If you recall, this is something Johnson repeatedly vowed he would not do until Democrats agreed to secure the southern border. He said this over and over, both before and after he became speaker.

It's not just that Johnson went ahead and helped pass the Ukraine funding
without securing our own border.

Johnson ACTIVELY SABOTAGED the bill to secure our own border!

He did it by bringing the bill to secure OUR border to a vote
under a rule that requires a 2/3 majority to pass it!

   HOUSE VOTE 143    April 20, 2024    1:00PM ET
      On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended
   H.R. 3602    Transnational Criminal Organization Illicit Spotter Prevention and Elimination Act
      FAILED 215-199, 17 Not Voting    2/3 Majority required

   HOUSE VOTE 151    April 20, 2024    1:48PM ET
      On Passage
   H.R. 8035    Ukraine Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024
      PASSED 311-112, 7 Not Voting, 1 Present
Now tell California it's stupid.
Two words:

Poop dollops.
It's Kool that the ship of state is seeking a Newport.

 pointing-up I see what you did there...
So Dems are eradicating African-American communities by selling them Menthol Cigarettes?  Sounds like racist white nationalist domestic terrorism to me.  1-800-CALL-FBI

Wrong Policies = Bad Results

California / Re: Celebrity chef blasts $50 minimum wage proposal
« Last post by DefiantMassRINO on Today at 11:06:54 pm »
All the college boys that run the Government and Big Corporations were indifferent to the loss of blue collar jobs.  They saw it as a societal and economic evolution that we become an Information and Services based economy.  Our enlightened minds could be put to work on more high-value activities than agriculture and manufacturing.

The Globalists saw the hollowing out of America's Middle as a good thing - more profits for their grubby Kleptocratic mitts.  They made no effort to make America more competitive in a Global free, competitive marketplace.  Keeping America competitive would have been too much drudgery for the lazy Harvard Business School MBA and PhD Kleptocrats.

They were willfully blind when they allowed Communist China to join the W.T.O  The increased profit margins on iPhones and Nike sneakers were too good to resist.

Finance is about monetization.  The Globalist Kleptocrats monetized the hollowing out of the American enconomy at the hands of Communist China for their own personal benefit.

Globalists and Internationalists are the greatest threat to American Exceptionalism.  They are economic and social locusts who consume all they can before moving on to their next victim nation.  Their greed and pomposity play right into the hands of the Communist China.

China will succeed where the Soviet Union failed.  The Soviet Union bankrupted itself by attempting to militarily compete with the United States.  Communist China will eventually defeat America militarily by using our own greed to give away our economic and technological competitive advantages to their military.

The Cold War never ended.  The Chinese Communist Party filled the vacuum caused by the collapse of the Soviet Union.  Maoism has superseded Stalinism as the pre-eminent Communist doctrine.

Go ahead.  Dismiss me as a crackpot, but ask yourselves, "Who benefitted the most from Globalism and who stands to benefit the most from Global Climate Change?"

It was no accident that Globalism and Global Climate Change gained prominence, together, at the same time - the beginning of the Clinton Presidency.
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