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2020 Emmys Turn Into Anti-Trump, Pro-BLM Woke-Fest

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I was too busy watching this...

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Smokin Joe:
Aw, shucks.

I missed it.

Like I have missed almost every Hollywierd mutual back patting love fest since Dr. Zhivago won an Oscar for whatever it was.

Maybe next time...

Or the time after that....

or not.

DILLIGAF, anyway? It's as relevant as the Nobels.


--- Quote from: Smokin Joe on September 21, 2020, 06:13:29 pm ---Aw, shucks.

I missed it.

Like I have missed almost every Hollywierd mutual back patting love fest since Dr. Zhivago won an Oscar for whatever it was.

Maybe next time...

Or the time after that....

or not.

DILLIGAF, anyway? It's as relevant as the Nobels.

--- End quote ---
It's been close to fifty years since I watched any awards show. I actually used to care about who won certain awards. That time has long since passed.
Especially since Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing to forward world peace.

Did we expect anything else?


--- Quote from: mystery-ak on September 21, 2020, 04:48:27 pm ---2020 Emmys Turn Into Anti-Trump, Pro-BLM Woke-Fest
Karen Townsend
September 21st, 2020 12:38 AM

Touted as the first big televised awards event, the 72nd Emmy Awards aired on September 20 on ABC.
--- Quote ---The host of the virtual event was late night show host Jimmy Kimmel.

--- End quote ---

A semi-human turd floating to the surface of the cess pool known as the "entertainment industry". It is due to cretins like him that I no longer watch ANY of those shows,and I used to never miss them.

SOMEBODY needs to find a way to take the message "We watch entertainment shows to be entertained,NOT indoctrinated" and dumb it down to a level even ass-kissing weasels like Kimmel can understand it.

Kimmel and the rest of those professional fools are denizens of the inbred entertainment world of show biz,and are cut off from reality. In that little world of professional fools,you either agree with the studio heads or you don't work and historically,all the studios are ran by Jews,who are historically leftists and "open-minded about everything BUT Israel.

 The FACT that these people are so clueless they are nothing but serfs and MUST remain serfs sucking up to the Royalty their lives and incomes are dependent upon in order to thrive seems lost on them. They HAVE to be the most foolish group of people on the planet. If it weren't for the insane amount of money they earn,most would have to turn to prostitution or theft to avoid starvation.

--- End quote ---


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