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Impeachment no longer big news, posing a challenge for Congress


Impeachment no longer big news, posing a challenge for Congress
By Joe Ferullo, opinion contributor — 12/15/19 09:30 AM EST

If you were looking to network newscasts for updates on impeachment in the middle of last week, you didn’t get much. While that raised some eyebrows among media critics, bad journalism was not to blame.

Instead, this was a potential warning sign for Democrats and Republicans as the process moves into its next, crucial phase: If impeachment is about engaging the public and building a case for or against, no one is doing a good job.

The formal release of two articles of impeachment was not the top story on network news last Tuesday — it came in second, right after the breaking story of a kosher market shootout in Jersey City, N.J.


I hope it stays front and center in the news cycle.  This all works toward Trump's benefit.

Was it ever big news? The dems turned impeachment into a one-line joke - you can only repeat it so many times before the hecklers jeer you off the stage. Their opening statement in the trial should start with "stop me if you've heard this one before".


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