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The 2nd Amendment and well-regulated horses


Elderberry: 8/20/2019

The importance of a horse in the 1700-1800s to army personnel was extremely high. It was their transportation, it was their luggage carrier, and if necessary, they could even eat it during a siege. Therefore, it was paramount to know that all the militia could show up with their horse in hand when called upon. So… the Founding Fathers put a clause in the Constitution that read something such as this:

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and ride horses shall not be infringed”

Now, based upon the interpretations of those who have difficulty understanding English, they would have us believe that only those who belong to the militia have the “right” to keep and ride a horse. No other people do. Not farmers. Not cowboys. Not horse racers. Not teamsters. Not stagecoach companies. Not little girls with their ponies. No one has the “right” to keep and ride a horse except someone who belongs to a “well regulated militia.”


Cyber Liberty:
Good find, @Elderberry!  I wonder if @Jazzhead shows up?  This is all about his favorite clause.


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