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Jim Bouton, RIP: The grip
« on: July 11, 2019, 02:07:57 am »
The dementia-stricken pitcher-turned-iconoclastic-baseball-author suffers no longer.
By Yours Truly

Jim Bouton steps forth from Commissioner Bowie
Kuhn’s office and the meeting in which Kuhn tried to
Ball Four—based entirely on a magazine

Fifty years ago Jim Bouton pitched the season he would record to write Ball Four. Once a glittering Yankee prospect reduced to relief pitching thanks to arm trouble that arose after the 1964 World Series, Bouton’s wryly candid notes, asides, and observations while pitching for the expansion Seattle Pilots and the Astros both humanised and scandalised baseball and enough of its actual or reputed guardians.

By now, of course, Ball Four is the only sports book included on the New York Public Library’s list of 20th Century Books of the Century. And Bouton died Wednesday at 80, at the Massachussetts home he shared with his second wife, Paula Kurman.

A 2012 stroke left Bouton to suffer cerebral amyloid angiopathy, a brain disease linked to dementia that compromised his ability to speak and write. Making it worse: the stroke occurred on the fifteenth anniversary of his daughter Laurie’s death in a New Jersey automobile accident.

Baseball may have gone ballistic when Ball Four hit the ground running in 1970, and Bouton could never be certain whether the Astros sent him down that year because he wasn’t pitching well or because the book was driving the front office and others out of their gourds. But he out-lived enough of his critics, most of the time the living and breathing evidence of the maxim about living well and the best revenge.

And Ball Four keeps company on the New York Public Library list with the likes of T.S. Eliot, James Joyce, William Faulkner, Virginia Woolf, Edith Wharton, Ralph Ellison, Jack Kerouac, John Dos Passos, Albert Camus, Agatha Christie, Grace Metalious, and Tom Wolfe.

Go ahead. Say if you must that Bouton didn’t exactly write The Waste Land, Light in August, Invisible Man, On the Road, or The Bonfire of the Vanities. But then T.S. Eliot, William Faulkner, Ralph Ellison, Jack Kerouac, and Tom Wolfe never had to try throwing to Harmon Killebrew, Carl Yastrzemski, Frank Robinson, Lou Brock, Frank Howard, or Willie Mays and living to tell about it, either.

To say Ball Four was received less than approvingly around baseball is to say Baltimore needed breathing treatments after the Mets flattened the Orioles four straight following a Game One loss in the 1969 World Series. “F@ck you, Shakespeare!” was Pete Rose’s review, hollered while Bouton had a rough relief outing against the Reds. All things to come considered, it was a wonder Rose knew Shakespeare wasn’t something the tavern served on tap.

Nicknamed Bulldog in his pitching days, Bouton would have been the first to say how fortunate he was to have met and married Kurman, an academic and speech therapist who holds a Columbia University doctorate in interpersonal communications, and who has worked with brain damaged children during her career. She worked with her husband carefully and helped him re-gain much of his speaking ability despite his illness.

“Together we make a whole person,” Kurman once told a Society for American Baseball Research panel, to laughter that was sad as much as approving.

But Bouton struggled concurrently with what Kurman told Tyler Kepner of the New York Times was “a pothole syndrome: Things will seem smooth, his wit and vocabulary intact, and then there will be a sudden, unforeseen gap in his reasoning, or a concept he cannot quite grasp.”

Teammates were divided mostly over Ball Four; they seemed less offended by Bouton’s vivid descriptions of the lopsided contract talks too many players experienced before the free agency era than by his candid descriptions of their clubhouse, off-field, and road off-field activities.

“The first thing I have to tell people,” said his Seattle roommate and fellow pitcher Gary Bell, with whom Bouton maintained a lifelong friendship to follow, “is that you’re not [fornicating] Adolf Hitler.” Bouton wrote in his book that being Bell’s roommate helped make him slightly more tolerable amidst teammates who weren’t exactly forward-looking or thinking. “Every year,” Bouton said of Bell, “I receive a Christmas card addressed to ‘Ass Eyes’.”

Bouton long believed fellow pitcher Fred Talbot (who died six years ago) was the teammate who was quoted anonymously as saying Bouton’s prose “would gag a maggot.” (“When I asked Fred how he was doing,” Bouton would remember in Ball Four‘s tenth anniversary edition’s postscript, “Ball Five,” after a where-is-he-now call to Talbot, “he said, ‘Well, I’m still living,’ and hung up. I didn’t even get a chance to tell him I was glad.”)

And before the Astros sent him to the minors, where he entered what proved a first retirement, unknown members of the Padres left a burned copy of Ball Four on the Astros’ dugout steps.

And before the Astros sent him to the minors, where he entered what proved a first retirement, unknown members of the Padres left a burned copy of Ball Four on the Astros’ dugout steps.

He got a delicious chance to write about the reaction/overreaction to Ball Four in the just-as-delightful I’m Glad You Didn’t Take It Personally, from then-commissioner Bowie Kuhn’s active attempt to suppress Ball Four to New York Daily News sportswriting legend Dick Young ripping him as a “social leper” for having written the book. When Bouton met Young in the clubhouse after that column, Young said hello and Bouton couldn’t resist replying, “Hi Dick, I didn’t know you were talking to social lepers these days.” Young replied genially, “Well, I’m glad you didn’t take it personally.” Little did Young know.

Bouton’s most famous words may well be the ones with which he ended Ball Four: “You spend a good part of your life gripping a baseball, and it turns out that it was the other way around.” But in I’m Glad You Didn’t Take It Personally, it may have been an exercise in futility for him to write, ““I think it’s possible that you can view people as heroes and at the same time understand that they are people, too, imperfect, narrow sometimes, even not very good at what they do. I didn’t smash any heroes or ruin the game for anybody. You want heroes, you can have them. Heroes exist in the mind, anyway.”

It took a very long time for baseball people to get it. Even longer than it took them to get that Jim Brosnan, a decade earlier, wasn’t trying to smash heroes or ruin a game when he wrote The Long Season and Pennant Race, and Brosnan didn’t go half as far as Bouton went in revealing baseball’s inner sanctum even if Brosnan incurred comparable wrath.

“I had . . . violated the idolatrous image of big leaguers who had been previously portrayed as models of modesty, loyalty and sobriety — i.e., what they were really not like,” Brosnan wrote on the 40th anniversary republication of Pennant Race. “Finally, I had actually written the book by myself, thus trampling upon the tradition that a player should hire a sportswriter to do the work. I was, on these accounts, a sneak and a snob and a scab.”

Bouton wrote and recorded Ball Four by himself, too, his editor Leonard Shecter doing nothing much more than knocking it into book-readable condition, as he would for I’m Glad You Didn’t Take It Personally. It didn’t stop Kuhn from hauling Bouton into his office and trying to jam down the pitcher’s throat a statement saying he hadn’t meant it and the whole thing was Shecter’s fault.

Both pitchers were very aware of the worlds around them, and both wrote about the periodic spells of boredom, racial tensions, off-field skirt chasings, and self-doubts endemic in their professional baseball lives. Brosnan saved them for his books and articles; Bouton was less reluctant to speak his mind about things like politics, Vietnam, and civil rights when asked or when a conversation left him the opening.

Bouton bought even less into the still-lingering press representations of athletes as heroes. Teammates didn’t always hold with that or other things, like calling them out on it when they made mistakes that cost the Yankees games he pitched.

“After two or three years of playing with guys like [Mickey] Mantle and [Roger] Maris,” he wrote in I’m Glad You Didn’t Take It Personally, “I was no longer awed. I started to look at those guys as people and I didn’t like what I saw. They were fine as baseball heroes. As men they were not quite so successful. At the same time I guess I started to rub a lot of people the wrong way. Instead of being a funny rookie, I was a veteran wise guy. I reached the point where I would argue to support my opinion and that didn’t go down too well either.”

“He stands out,” Shecter wrote of Bouton in Sport, “because he is a decent young man in a game which does not recognize decency as valuable.” Much the same thing was said of Brosnan no matter what particular writers did or didn’t think of his two books.

For decades Bouton believed Ball Four got him blackballed from the Yankees in terms of Old-Timer’s Days and other such events involving team alumni, and that Mantle was the instigator. When one of Mantle’s sons died in the mid-1990s, Bouton left a message of sympathy on Mantle’s answering machine. To Bouton’s surprise, Mantle himself called to thank Bouton and, by the way, say that it wasn’t Mantle who put Bouton in the Yankee deep freeze.

Laurie Bouton’s death prompted her oldest of two brothers, Michael, to write an astonishing op-ed piece in The New York Times calling for the Yankees to reconcile with both his father and with Hall of Famer Yogi Berra, estranged ever since George Steinbrenner fired him as manager through an intermediary in the 1980s. Michael Bouton got what he asked for. In both regards. (Yankee Stadium rocked especially with a section occupied by Laurie’s friends, holding a banner hollering LAURIE’S GIRLS!)

When Bouton retired the first time in 1970, he assembled another book, a splendid anthology of writings about baseball managers and managing called “I Managed Good But, Boy, Did They Play Bad,” then became a sportscaster for New York ABC and CBS. As his first marriage was falling apart, Bouton tried a baseball comeback. He slogged the minors a couple of years before then-Braves owner Ted Turner abetted his September callup in 1978. After a start that prompted such comments as, “It was like facing Bozo the Clown,” as Bouton eventually recorded (in "Ball Five"), “In his next start, Bozo the Clown beat the San Francisco Giants. The pennant-contending San Francisco Giants.”

Then he tangled with Astros howitzer J.R. Richard. “The young flamethrower and the old junkballer,” Bouton described them. On the same night the towering Richard broke the National League’s single-season strikeout record for righthanded pitchers, the old junkballer fought the young flamethrower to a draw, somehow. In the interim, Bouton and a Portland Mavericks teammate named Rob Nelson cooked up the concoction that became Big League Chew gum, the kind that looked shredded like chewing tobacco, and its success made some nice dollars for Bouton and Nelson.

Bouton ended his brief baseball comeback, satisfied that he’d proven what he tried to prove, and also became a motivational speaker who also continued writing as well as joining his second wife administering a recreational 19th century-style baseball league, helping preserve an old ballpark (about which Bouton wrote Foul Ball), and becoming a competition ballroom dancing team. The Renaissance Bulldog.

Whenever one of Bouton’s former Ball Four-season teammates went to his reward, Bouton was genuinely saddened. “I think he came, over the years, to love them,” Kurman told Kepner. “As each one died, he got really teary about it. He realized how deeply they were part of him.” (The Pilots, of course, were sold and moved to Milwaukee for the 1970 season, becoming the Brewers. “The old Pilots are a ghost team,” Bouton once wrote, “doomed forever to circumnavigate the globe in the pages of a book.”)

Ball Four‘s true success, wrote Roger Angell himself (one more time: Angell isn’t baseball’s Homer; Homer was ancient Greece’s Roger Angell), “is Mr. Bouton himself, as a day-to-day observer, hard thinker, marvellous listener, comical critic, angry victim, and unabashed lover of a sport. What he has given us is a rare view of a highly complex public profession seen from the innermost side, along with an ironic and courageous mind. And, very likely, the funniest book of the year.”

Baseball didn’t collapse. The world didn’t implode. That Star Spangled Banner yet waves. Things have happened in baseball since that make any outrage over Ball Four resemble the kindergarten style debate most of the original hoopla really was. Men and women of fame or note can be considered in all their human flaws, foibles, and fantasias, without being seen where appropriate as any less than heroes.

“If Mickey Mantle had written Ball Four,” Bouton once wrote, “it wouldn’t have been a big deal. A marginal relief pitcher on the Seattle Pilots had no business writing a book.” Or, implicitly, exposing the foibles and more of the reserve era’s abuses than anyone suspected existed within the Old Ball Game.

The marginal relief pitcher, once a Yankee World Series star, ended up meaning far more than that. If you want to call Bouton part of the conscience of baseball, then you must admit with more than a single tear that baseball lost something precious with his illness and, now, his death. So has his wife. So have their children and grandchildren. So has America. May the Lord and his beloved daughter welcome him home gently but happily.

Bouton enjoys a dance with his wife, Paula Kurman, at their
Massachussetts home; the couple once competed as
ballroom dance partners.

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« Last Edit: July 11, 2019, 05:36:34 pm by EasyAce »

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Re: Jim Bouton, RIP: The grip
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2019, 02:33:47 am »

By now, of course, Ball Four is the only sports book included on the New York Public Library’s list of 20th Century

I have very vivid memories  of Ball Four.  As a 12 (maybe 13) year old, I got a rogue copy of this book for reading.  Like many kids, "Adult themed" books were forbidden for my reading, so this copy was held and read in strict secrecy. 

Maybe no single book shocked me more than this one in my youth.   Even at 13, I was a 6 year fan of the game, and thought the players were sterling, good, perfect guys who were heros to us all.  But then again, I lived in  that era of long ago past, that things controversial, or sorid were basically kept from the general public.

In any case, RIP Mr. Bouton.  Your book drove out a lot of my naivety of youth, and my heros of the time...  Doug Rader, Joe Morgan, Larry Dierker, all seemed human .....  or even less than so.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2019, 03:12:34 am by catfish1957 »
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Re: Jim Bouton, RIP: The grip
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2019, 02:42:37 am »
I have very vivid memories  of Ball Four.  As a 12 (maybe 13) year old, I got a rogue copy of this book for reading.  Like many kids, "Adult themed" books for forbidden for my reading, so this copy was hel and read in strict secrecy. 

Maybe no single book shocked me more than this one in my youth.   Even at 13, I was a 6 year fan of the game, and thought the players were sterling, good, perfect guys who were heros to us all.  But then again, I lived in  that era of long ago past, that things controversial, or sorid were basically kept from the general public.

In any case, RIP Mr. Bouton.  Your book drove out a lot of my naivety of youth, and my heros of the time...  Doug Rader, Joe Morgan, Larry Dierker, all seemed human .....  or even less than so.
Keep in mind that the guys of Ball Four were bloody tame compared to the way some professional athletes who came after them turned out to be.

Which reminds me that late in the book Bouton records Larry Dierker as coming to him with this or that story, saying, "Write this down!"

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Re: Jim Bouton, RIP: The grip
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2019, 02:43:56 am »
Excellent piece, @EasyAce !!   :beer:
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Re: Jim Bouton, RIP: The grip
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2019, 02:47:37 am »

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

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Re: Jim Bouton, RIP: The grip
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2019, 06:01:08 pm »
It was probably 8 or 10 years after Ball Four came out when I read it.
In 1976, he was in a TV show of the same name, that didn't last long, only 5 episodes.
Strangely enough, it was my 1st introduction to Jim Bouton, and it prompted me to read the book.
What I recall most about the book was that it was funny.

I guess I wasn't too shocked at the antics of the players.
We've all know the Ruth had a "Ruthian" appetite for women, booze and food.
The real shock, in my opinion, was that someone from the inside was writing about it.
The bloom was off the rose, and soon after we had Playboy pictures of Wade Boggs mistress, steroid scandals, etc....

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Re: Jim Bouton, RIP: The grip
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2019, 06:09:46 pm »
It was probably 8 or 10 years after Ball Four came out when I read it.
In 1976, he was in a TV show of the same name, that didn't last long, only 5 episodes.
Strangely enough, it was my 1st introduction to Jim Bouton, and it prompted me to read the book.
What I recall most about the book was that it was funny.

I guess I wasn't too shocked at the antics of the players.
We've all know the Ruth had a "Ruthian" appetite for women, booze and food.
The real shock, in my opinion, was that someone from the inside was writing about it.
The bloom was off the rose, and soon after we had Playboy pictures of Wade Boggs mistress, steroid scandals, etc....

When Ball Four came out I was in my late twenties and my baseball playing days were ended but having been around a fair number of ex minor leaguers and a few up and rising ones I was well aware of the toes being stepped on and I LOVED it!  Still do in fact!
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

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Re: Jim Bouton, RIP: The grip
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2019, 06:33:53 pm »
When Ball Four came out I was in my late twenties and my baseball playing days were ended but having been around a fair number of ex minor leaguers and a few up and rising ones I was well aware of the toes being stepped on and I LOVED it!  Still do in fact!
You should read if you haven't:

* I'm Glad You Didn't Take It Personally, Bouton's hilarious followup about the reception to Ball Four and his immediate post-baseball life.

* Ball Four: The Final Pitch---In which Bouton republished Ball Four whole, both ten-year anniversary postscripts ("Ball Five" and "Ball Six"), and a final postscript in which he dealt with his reconciliation with Mickey Mantle (after one of Mantle's sons died), the death of his daughter and how it almost destroyed him (when, one day, he said something to his wife, she hugged him tight and cried out, "I thought you'd walked out the door and wouldn't ever come back!" which began his personal revival from the tragedy), and how it inadvertently helped reconcile him to the Yankees.

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Re: Jim Bouton, RIP: The grip
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2019, 06:37:36 pm »
Thanks @EasyAce.  Already read the former.  I'll see if I can locate a copy of the latter.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2019, 06:39:01 pm by Bigun »
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

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Re: Jim Bouton, RIP: The grip
« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2019, 06:47:47 pm »
I guess I wasn't too shocked at the antics of the players.
We've all know the Ruth had a "Ruthian" appetite for women, booze and food.
The real shock, in my opinion, was that someone from the inside was writing about it.
The bloom was off the rose, and soon after we had Playboy pictures of Wade Boggs mistress, steroid scandals, etc....
The door was pried open just so when Jim Brosnan, a pitcher who also happened to write (and well), wrote The Long Season and Pennant Race. In Brosnan's time (the books covered the 1959 and 1961 seasons), just talking from the inside at all and not doing it with a sportswriter ghost seemed scandalous enough, even if Brosnan didn't go into a sixteenth of the detail Bouton eventually would.

Reminder: When Brosnan was traded to the White Sox in 1963, he did well enough for them to be offered a 1964 contract. The problem---the White Sox insisted the contract include a clause under which Brosnan couldn't write for publication without formal club approval and without the club seeing what he wrote first. Politely but firmly, Brosnan told the White Sox to take that contract and shove it. He retired from baseball instead.

For the longest time, too, the image persisted stubbornly that Ball Four was not Bouton's but his editor Leonard Shecter's brilliant idea. It began with Bowie Kuhn trying to jam that disclaimer down Bouton's throat and continued with such things as Bo Belinsky---quoted in a profile Pat Jordan wrote about him in Sports Illustrated in 1971---saying, "Leonard Shecter approached me about a book long before he sniffed out Jim Bouton. I told him no. I couldn't rat out on guys I played with." Except that Belinsky eventually did a little bit of that himself, when he cooperated with Maury Allen for the biography Bo: Pitching and Wooing.

Shecter was once a New York sportswriting legend himself. It was Shecter who first broke the sanctity of the clubhouse or the team plane when, under fire at the New York Post for missing one story involving the Yankees, piped up that he had a better one: on the Yankees' team flight home after clinching the 1958 pennant, relief star Ryne Duren got into a fight with then-coach Ralph Houk. Duren was celebrating on the flight by passing around cigars and putting them into the lips of assorted celebrating Yankees. When he came to Houk, Duren put a cigar between Houk's lips and Houk smashed Duren in the face, knocking him down. The Post ran with it and among other things it prompted the embarrassed Yankee brass to cancel the team's usual pennant clinching party.

A few years later, Shecter was covering the original New York Mets---the original, clown-show Mets, though the difference between the Original Mets and this year's model was that the Original Mets were genuinely funny and seemed in their time and place to be more human than the imperial Yankees---and, taking a cue from Hall of Famer Richie Ashburn, a center fielder on the team finishing his career, called a certain earnest but stumbling first baseman Marvelous Marv. Thus was born the original Met superstar.

In due course, Shecter wrote a poignantly funny book about those Mets, Once Upon the Polo Grounds, before Bouton approached him and, when Shecter said he would be interested in a player writing from the inside, told him, "Funny you should mention that. I've been making a lot of notes."

Tragically, Len Shecter died at 48 of leukemia in 1974.

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

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Re: Jim Bouton, RIP: The grip
« Reply #10 on: July 11, 2019, 06:53:40 pm »
Thanks @EasyAce.  Already read the former.  I'll see if I can locate a copy of the latter.

Smoke out, too, if you can:

It's maybe the best anthology you'll ever find about managing and managers, including essays on Rocky Bridges, John McGraw, Casey Stengel, Ralph Houk-Yogi Berra-Johnny Keane (Bill Veeck's classic "Which of Us Took The Greater Fall," about the shenanigans behind Yogi Berra's back in 1964), Connie Mack, Walter Alstron, Leo Durocher (including William Barry Furlong's classic Look expose, "How Durocher Blew the Pennant," about the 1969 Cubs), Charlie Dressen, Joe McCarthy, Dick Williams (by Bouton himself), George Stallings, and, of course, Bouton's Seattle manager Joe (Ol' Sh@tf@ck) Schultz. The essays are splendid and Bouton's commentaries on them just as splendid. (And funny as hell.)
« Last Edit: July 11, 2019, 06:54:28 pm by EasyAce »

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

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Re: Jim Bouton, RIP: The grip
« Reply #11 on: July 11, 2019, 06:59:36 pm »

Certainly, Jim Brosnan cracked open that door.
Looks like Jim Bouton may have knocked that door off the hinges!
Something about players named Jim.......?
(Piersall, Bouton, Brosnan, etc.)

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Re: Jim Bouton, RIP: The grip
« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2019, 07:07:45 pm »

Certainly, Jim Brosnan cracked open that door.
Looks like Jim Bouton may have knocked that door off the hinges!
Something about players named Jim.......?
(Piersall, Bouton, Brosnan, etc.)
But then there came Bill (Spaceman) Lee with The Wrong Stuff . . . and how about an owner named Bill (Veeck---As in Wreck and The Hustler's Handbook).

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

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Re: Jim Bouton, RIP: The grip
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2019, 07:20:27 pm »
But then there came Bill (Spaceman) Lee with The Wrong Stuff . . . and how about an owner named Bill (Veeck---As in Wreck and The Hustler's Handbook).


Hadn't thought about the ol' Spaceman in while.

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Re: Jim Bouton, RIP: The grip
« Reply #14 on: July 12, 2019, 12:52:14 pm »
I read Ball Four when it came out and couldn't understand all the hate directed at Bouton. He revealed ballplayers for what they were.....young men with flaws just like young men everywhere.
I understand the desire of Major League baseball to try and suppress evidence that ballplayers were flawed like everybody else, but I had already read enough about Babe Ruth, Ty Cobb (who might have been given a lot of unfair criticism), and a few others  to know otherwise.
I laugh now after reading intervews of baseball players and other pro players in Sport magazine where the editors substituted innocuous words for foul language.
Especially one of Pete Rose where flakin' was substituted for the usual profane word that begins with the letter f. It took me a few years to realize Rose wasn't really saying flakin'.

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Re: Jim Bouton, RIP: The grip
« Reply #15 on: July 12, 2019, 06:46:04 pm »
I read Ball Four when it came out and couldn't understand all the hate directed at Bouton. He revealed ballplayers for what they were.....young men with flaws just like young men everywhere.
I understand the desire of Major League baseball to try and suppress evidence that ballplayers were flawed like everybody else, but I had already read enough about Babe Ruth, Ty Cobb (who might have been given a lot of unfair criticism), and a few others  to know otherwise.
I laugh now after reading intervews of baseball players and other pro players in Sport magazine where the editors substituted innocuous words for foul language.
Especially one of Pete Rose where flakin' was substituted for the usual profane word that begins with the letter f. It took me a few years to realize Rose wasn't really saying flakin'.
If you didn't, you should have heard
Vin Scully translating a tirade by then-Rockies manager Jim Tracy over a fly ball trap against the Dodgers . . . it was hilarious!

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

Fake news---news you don't like or don't want to hear.