State Chapters > Florida

Poll: Support for Florida Gov. DeSantis Surges After Sanctuary City Ban


JOHN BINDER 21 Jun 2019

Support for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) is surging in recent weeks following a major legislative victory that banned sanctuary cities across the state.

The latest Quinnipiac Poll reveals that across the board, more voters in every demographic group in Florida — except with Democrat voters and black Americans — approve of the job DeSantis is doing as governor than those who disapprove.

Specifically, DeSantis’s total approval among all Florida voters stands at 55 percent with only 22 percent disapproving of the job he is doing thus far. About 83 percent of Republican voters approve of DeSantis and 51 percent of swing voters say they approve of the job he is doing as governor. Though a plurality of Democrat voters disapprove of DeSantis – about 40 percent – another 35 percent said they approve of the job he is doing.

Most notably, roughly 45 percent of Hispanic voters approve of DeSantis while only 25 percent said they disapprove. Among white voters, DeSantis earns huge support with 65 percent approving of the job he is doing and less than 20 percent disapproving.


As it damned well should!

So far he's been a great governor and I'm really hoping that he runs for POTUS in 2024. 


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