Author Topic: Rashida Tlaib says Palestinians created 'safe haven' for Jews after Holocaust  (Read 1942 times)

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Offline TomSea

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Rashida Tlaib says Palestinians created 'safe haven' for Jews after Holocaust

 Palestinian-American US Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., claimed in an interview on Saturday that her ancestors provided a "safe haven" for Jews after the Holocaust, Haaretz reported.

Tlaib's interview featured on a Skullduggery podcast titled "From Rashida with Love," and discussed the past, the present and the future of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"There’s always kind of a calming feeling when I think of the tragedy of the Holocaust, that it was my ancestors – Palestinians – who lost their land and some lost their lives, their livelihood, their human dignity and their existence, in many ways, has been wiped out… in the name of trying to create a safe haven for Jews, post-Holocaust, post-tragedy and the horrific persecution of Jews across the world at that time. And I love the fact that it was my ancestors that provided that in many ways,” Tlaib said.

Read more at:

Link likewise, has links to the podcast in question.

Offline mrclose

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In 1948, approximately 600,000 Arabs left Israel of their own free will. They did so because the leaders of the neighboring Arab countries assured them that they were going to roll over the Jews, and not only would the Arabs get their land back, they would also get the land belonging to the Jews.

It did not work out that way, and the Arabs from Israel were put into camps and taught to hate Jews. Many years later, they began calling themselves "Palestinians".

At the same time, 900,000 Jews were expelled from Arab countries where they had lived for centuries. Many went to Israel where they were accepted by the Jews already there, and joined the Israeli society.

The Arabs who chose to remain in Israel were given rights of citizenship, unlike the Arabs who abandoned Israel. Their brother Arabs treated them as outsiders.
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Offline TomSea

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In 1948, approximately 600,000 Arabs left Israel of their own free will. They did so because the leaders of the neighboring Arab countries assured them that they were going to roll over the Jews, and not only would the Arabs get their land back, they would also get the land belonging to the Jews.

It did not work out that way, and the Arabs from Israel were put into camps and taught to hate Jews. Many years later, they began calling themselves "Palestinians".

At the same time, 900,000 Jews were expelled from Arab countries where they had lived for centuries. Many went to Israel where they were accepted by the Jews already there, and joined the Israeli society.

The Arabs who chose to remain in Israel were given rights of citizenship, unlike the Arabs who abandoned Israel. Their brother Arabs treated them as outsiders.

Good info. Thx.

Offline jafo2010

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Bimbo does not know a shred of history.  At no time did anyone ask the Palestinians about bringing the Jews to what is now Israel.  The Palestinians did not create anything.  As a demographic, they are despised by the rest of the arab world.

The murderous mussies launched three war efforts to destroy and kill every last Jew.  They failed miserably.

Many of the mussies were in league with the Nazis during WWII. 

Until Israel decides to vanquish the Palestinians, there will be no peace in the Middle East.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2019, 03:28:39 pm by jafo2010 »

Offline bilo

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In 1948, approximately 600,000 Arabs left Israel of their own free will. They did so because the leaders of the neighboring Arab countries assured them that they were going to roll over the Jews, and not only would the Arabs get their land back, they would also get the land belonging to the Jews.

It did not work out that way, and the Arabs from Israel were put into camps and taught to hate Jews. Many years later, they began calling themselves "Palestinians".

At the same time, 900,000 Jews were expelled from Arab countries where they had lived for centuries. Many went to Israel where they were accepted by the Jews already there, and joined the Israeli society.

The Arabs who chose to remain in Israel were given rights of citizenship, unlike the Arabs who abandoned Israel. Their brother Arabs treated them as outsiders.

Great point.

Just to add to the info, most people aren't aware palestine has never been a sovereign nation. It was a territory controlled by the Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire, and British Empire. I wish Israel would resolve the problem of the palestinians once and for all by retaking their land and expelling the interlopers.
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Online Fishrrman

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bilo wrote:
"I wish Israel would resolve the problem of the palestinians once and for all by retaking their land and expelling the interlopers."


Israel should annex the West Bank and expel the non-Israelis therein.

They should move into Gaza, disband whatever existing government exists there, and rule there directly. Tell those who don't like it, that they're free to leave.

Online Hoodat

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In 1948, approximately 600,000 Arabs left Israel of their own free will. They did so because the leaders of the neighboring Arab countries assured them that they were going to roll over the Jews, and not only would the Arabs get their land back, they would also get the land belonging to the Jews.

It did not work out that way, and the Arabs from Israel were put into camps and taught to hate Jews. Many years later, they began calling themselves "Palestinians".

At the same time, 900,000 Jews were expelled from Arab countries where they had lived for centuries. Many went to Israel where they were accepted by the Jews already there, and joined the Israeli society.

The Arabs who chose to remain in Israel were given rights of citizenship, unlike the Arabs who abandoned Israel. Their brother Arabs treated them as outsiders.

100% accurate.  The only country in the Middle East that will grant citizenship to Palestinians is Israel.  Not Jordan.  Not Lebanon.  Not Syria.  Not Egypt.  Just Israel.
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Offline Sanguine

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Does she really believe this stuff or is she just saying it?

Offline dfwgator

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100% accurate.  The only country in the Middle East that will grant citizenship to Palestinians is Israel.  Not Jordan.  Not Lebanon.  Not Syria.  Not Egypt.  Just Israel.

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Offline Gefn

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Does she really believe this stuff or is she just saying it?

Don’t know. Interesting question. I don’t think this situation will be solved in my lifetime
« Last Edit: May 14, 2019, 01:01:55 pm by Freya »
G-d bless America. G-d bless us all                                 

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Offline Absalom

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Many are on the mark.
Palestine is a territory in the Southern Levant that had many
occupiers since ancient times; among them the Egyptians,
Canaanites, Israelites, Philistines, Greeks and Romans.
It is the ancestral home of the Jewish People.
In contrast, the self-labeled "Palestinians" are nothing but Arab
nomads who were given a home by King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan
in the 30ties for which they repaid his generosity by assassinating
him at the Al Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem in 1951. His people then
drove this trash into the desert where they have been wandering since.
They have no claim on Palestine and never had. NEVER!

Offline berdie

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Link likewise, has links to the podcast in question.

Yeah...I think most people get a calming feeling when reading about the Holocaust. They all want to experience it. :thud:

Talk about rewriting history to suit your own version.

Online bigheadfred

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Does she really believe this stuff or is she just saying it?

She wants you to believe it. That is what counts. The moslems don't create anything. They NEVER have. They destroy everything. And then blame it on someone else.

Party hard. I hope they outdo last year's fun.

She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

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Does bashing the Jews convince the farmers in battleground states, hurt by President Trump's tarriffs, that the rats understand the suffering farmers and are anxious to help?

rats are so dumb.