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George Conway’s Tweets Say More About Him Than Anyone Else


George Conway’s Tweets Say More About Him Than Anyone Else

Posted at 3:48 pm on March 22, 2019 by Jennifer Van Laar

George Conway, husband of Trump senior advisor Kellyanne Conway, hasn’t been shy about how much he loathes the President. His Twitter feed, save for retweets of Corgi videos and photos, has been an endless gripe/whine/insult directed at Trump and the administration for nearly two years.

This week Mr. Conway’s rhetoric against the President stepped up a few notches (when he made multiple tweets purporting to diagnose Trump with a mental disorder then publicly wishing for his electoral defeat) then devolved into a Twitter war between the two, as Bonchie and Elizabeth Vaughn have covered.

George, a one-time Trump supporter, says that his Mean Tweet habit is necessary to keep him from taking that anger out on his wife. He told the Washington Post in August 2018:

--- Quote ---“The mendacity, the incompetence, it’s just maddening to watch. The tweeting is just the way to get it out of the way, so I can get it off my chest and move on with my life that day. That’s basically it. Frankly, it’s so I don’t end up screaming at her about it.”
--- End quote ---


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