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Adam Schiff refuses to stand down if Mueller finds no collusion


Adam Schiff refuses to stand down if Mueller finds no collusion
by Daniel Chaitin
 | February 17, 2019 10:57 AM

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., wouldn't say Sunday if he would accept special counsel Robert Mueller being unable to find direction collusion between President Trump's 2016 campaign and Russia.

The House Intelligence Committee is embarking on a sweeping investigation into Trump’s financial transactions and Russia, and Schiff adamantly stressed that his panel will continue its work unimpeded regardless of what Mueller says.

During an interview on CNN, Schiff discussed at length all the "evidence in plain sight" of collusion he believes there is, but said "it will be up to Mueller to decide if that amounts to criminal conspiracy."

However, when he was asked point blank if he would accept Mueller's findings if no clear evidence of collusion is determined, Schiff demurred. Instead he focused his answer on how his committee will conduct its own inquiry and how he'll fight to gain access to Mueller's evidence should it be withheld from public view.


This article is speaking as if Mueller will eventually issue a report of some kind. My opinion is that this will never happen. Mueller sees his appointment as Special Prosecutor to be a lifetime appointment. He will never issue any report. And he will never end his investigation.

The 'investigation' is his freakin retirement plan. He's never going to willing quit a government windfall gravy train, which he is being paid for nothing more than to harass Trump, and anyone who has ever known Trump. What motivation does he have to ever stop?

Even if Trump left office, I believe Mueller will still continue his fake 'investigation' until one of them dies. And even then, there is still Trump's entire family to persecute. I don't see this ever ending ever.

It is not about justice. It is not about reality. It is all about 'revenge'. That is the sole motivation behind Mueller and his thugs. And this is a 'revenge' that the Democrats will never stop, ever.

Maybe. Once Hillary is dead that will be the end of all this.
May I please be the first one to offer her a bottle of Jack, along with the finest blow.
Help yourself, President Hillary, as I know you make your servants call you.

Take another drink, you're Highness. Take another blow. Hillary will be dead before the next election.
She is a used up old cow, who rode her husband's coattails until they are gone.

I would love nothing more, than to see 55 armed and armored agents burst into Mueller's home at 3am. To arrest him, his wife, and anyone else in the compound.


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