Author Topic: Dump Steve King  (Read 1159 times)

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Dump Steve King
« on: January 11, 2019, 07:51:40 pm »

Representative Steve King (R., Iowa) has made a habit of flirting with the noxious fringe in matters pertaining to culture, race, and immigration, but he inarguably crossed over the line — the border? — in comments published Thursday by the New York Times . . . King’s comments are odious and indefensible and follow a recent pattern of irresponsible demagogy on third-rail political issues. They don’t represent conservatism and he should be jettisoned by the Right.

In a statement responding to the Times article, King insisted that he “rejects those labels and the evil ideology that they define.” Notably, he didn’t dispute that he said what the Times printed. Instead, he said this: “America’s values are expressed in our founding documents, they are attainable by everyone and we take pride that people of all races, religions, and creeds from around the globe aspire to achieve them.” That’s fine as far as it goes. Yet King has done nothing to earn the benefit of the doubt or to credibly suggest that his comments to the Times were somehow a slip of the tongue . . .

. . . There’s a vast gulf between King’s racial demagogy and the sober-minded advocacy of a more sensible immigration regime that balances the national interest with humanitarian concerns. King’s alleged influence on the right, then, shouldn’t be overstated.

There’s currently a push to censure King in the House. We aren’t a fan of this approach because the precedent it creates of the House passing judgment on the speech of its members. It’d be better if Republicans policed their own and the NRCC made it clear that it won’t back King in a primary or the general election in 2020.

King may be clumsy, dangerous, bigoted, or some mix of the three. Whatever he is, he doesn’t deserve the support of conservatives.
With Republicans like this we don't need Democrats.---EA.

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Offline TomSea

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Re: Dump Steve King
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2019, 08:02:21 pm »
This reminded me, Townhall and Jonah Goldberg just came out with an article too, critical of Steve King,

Bigoted King Out of Step With American Ideals
Jonah Goldberg


Contrary to the prattle of white nationalists and supremacists (and, interestingly, various left-wing theorists and black nationalists such as Louis Farrakhan), Western civilization is not synonymous with whiteness. Many of the people King would count as white today were not considered white by various giants of American white nationalism and white supremacy. Czechs, Hungarians, Poles, Italians, Greeks et al. weren't "whites" at the beginning of the 20th century, when the Steve Kings of that era were terrified of non-white immigrants.

In 1911, the joint congressional Immigration Commission completed a 41-volume report that included the Dictionary of Races or Peoples, a pseudoscientific grab bag containing "a motley compendium of ethnic stereotypes, skin complexion, head shape, and other hardy perennials of the race science literature," according to Princeton historian Thomas Leonard in his vital book "Illiberal Reformers."

Bohemians had heavy brains. Southern Italians were too "excitable" and "impulsive" to adapt to organized society. Slavs were overly prone to "periods of besotted drunkenness" and "unexpected cruelty." Germans from the Tyrol region were too broad-headed to be of desirable stock.

Read more at:

I'd have to carefully go through his statements.

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Re: Dump Steve King
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2019, 10:50:03 pm »
Some clarification as to this latest episode:

Rep. Steve King could be censured after asking why terms like white supremacist and white nationalist were offensive in an interview
Joe Perticone

    Republican Rep. Steve King is increasingly likely to face a potential censure motion for repeatedly making remarks widely seen as racist.
    One House Democrat has already directed his staff to draft a censure.

    Republican leaders have widely condemned King's latest remarks, as they have done several times in the past.


 Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, the newly elected chairwoman of the House Republican Conference, called King's comments "abhorrent and racist and should have no place in our national discourse."

"Everything about white supremacy and white nationalism goes against who we are as a nation," House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said in a statement. "Steve's language is reckless, wrong, and has no place in our society. The Declaration of Independence states that 'all men are created equal.' That is a fact. It is self-evident."

House Minority Whip Steve Scalise told reporters it is "offensive to try to legitimize" the terms King used, adding, "I think it's important that he rejected that kind of evil, because that's what it is: evil ideology."

Read more at:

King responded to NY Times via Twitter,  Jan. 10, 2019:


SC black Republican Senator Tim Scott penned an editorial:

Tim Scott pens op-ed blasting Steve King for embrace of white supremacy
01/11/2019 03:10 PM EST

See article:

I don't think one could ever okay OR maybe it is just questioning the use of a term like "white supremacist"..... that lacks little confusion.  WN likewise, is not tantalizing nor would it be if someone said they are a "black nationalist".

« Last Edit: January 11, 2019, 10:53:48 pm by TomSea »

Offline EasyAce

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Re: Dump Steve King
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2019, 11:41:52 pm »
Some clarification as to this latest episode:

King responded to NY Times via Twitter,  Jan. 10, 2019:

SC black Republican Senator Tim Scott penned an editorial:

I don't think one could ever okay OR maybe it is just questioning the use of a term like "white supremacist"..... that lacks little confusion.  WN likewise, is not tantalizing nor would it be if someone said they are a "black nationalist".
Scott's op-ed:

Tim Scott: Why are Republicans accused of racism? Because we’re silent on things like this.

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

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Re: Dump Steve King
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2019, 01:26:57 am »
Ummm.... jes' what wuz it Mr. King -said- that has everyone so riled up...?

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Re: Dump Steve King
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2019, 02:00:21 am »
Ummm.... jes' what wuz it Mr. King -said- that has everyone so riled up...?

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Re: Dump Steve King
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2019, 02:55:09 am »
Is Podhoretz a respected conservative? I think so and this is the NY Post.  I don't know if I agree with the author in calling King a the sense, this is overdone in our day, just calling people "racists" but perhaps his other points have merit.

Steve King couldn’t be more wrong about ‘Western civilization’
By John Podhoretz January 10, 2019

One horrible untruth unites today’s far left and far right: the idea that “whiteness” isn’t a skin color but a moral, political and social cause. The far left wants to attack whiteness and undo it for the injustices it has supposedly caused. The far right wants to defend and advance it, on the ground that whiteness is the root of all that is truly American.

The far leftists are critics of “white supremacy,” the system that supposedly hands Causasians all existential advantages from birth. This noxious idea denies individual agency and treats all white people as collectively guilty, while telling minorities they have no chance in life.

But guess who seems to love it? Far-right naked racists, of whom the most prominent in the US is probably Steve King, the nine-term congressman from Iowa.

Read more at:

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Re: Dump Steve King
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2019, 03:54:52 pm »
With Republicans like this we don't need Democrats.---EA.

I wonder if this is Steve's favorite brew?

Would it be too much to ask our congress critters to start engaging their brains before they open their damn mouths?

IMO, the real message that the Republicans need to get out there, in no uncertain terms, is that they support President Trump on his vision for border security and a wall/barrier.

Only until Pelosi knows that there will be no backing down by the Republicans, will she deign to come back to the table. The Pubbies have caved so often over the years, the Dems think they can keep playing Lucy with the football. This is the hill to die on.

Does that make me an ST instead of an NT?  :thud:
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