Author Topic: BOOM: GOP Lawmakers Reintroduce The Wall Act To Fund The ENTIRE Border Wall  (Read 15977 times)

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Offline Emjay

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It’s a pity to see @Once-Ler so mired in hate. He’s missing out on possibly the experience of a lifetime. The satisfaction of significant victories for what was once ostensibly his side of the political aisle. Not since Reagan are republicans winning on so many high profile issues. He should be basking – not bitching.

Yes, Trump hate has caused a few people to lose touch with reality and it is sad.  Facts simply do not matter with those people and it almost appears they don't fully realize who the true enemy is.

By not supporting Trump, they are giving aid to that enemy and they simply don't care.
Against stupidity, the Gods themselves contend in vain.

Offline Emjay

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Wow.   You... talking about what someone else should be doing on the forum. 


Yeah ... that's your job, isn't it?
Against stupidity, the Gods themselves contend in vain.

Offline libertybele

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We iz da wurld.......

We iz da peep-pulls......

Group hug! Group hug!

The moral of the story; we've donated and given and given and given ...and our good will has been taken advantage of... it's time to secure our borders and secure our sovereignty or we won't be able to help as we have in the past.  IF America falls, so will the rest of the free world.  WE are the World!!!!
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

Offline LegalAmerican

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I meant why only 5 senators supporting the bill.

I understood you perfectly. Some people have no reading comprehension.   *****rollingeyes*****

Offline LegalAmerican

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The barrier should NOT EVEN be question, nor DEBATED about.  Democrats should care about AMERICANS/CITIZENS.
If people can listen to this, see this, and still hate my president, something is lacking within themselves, NOT MY PRESIDENT!


Offline LegalAmerican

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Yes, Trump hate has caused a few people to lose touch with reality and it is sad.  Facts simply do not matter with those people and it almost appears they don't fully realize who the true enemy is.

By not supporting Trump, they are giving aid to that enemy and they simply don't care.

Perfectly and very well said!   

Offline Formerly Once-Ler

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Nothing that you say has the slightest bit of truth to it.  He explained that he did not mean that Mexico would literally pay for the wall, as in writing a check.  He meant that they would eventually pay and they will.  They will pay because they cannot send their crooks and losers over to the U.S. anymore, nor can they send their massive drug industry over here.

2 years after his presidency Trump proclaims "Mexico will pay" does not mean what 100% of American voters think it means.  Good one @Emjay  :silly:

If you had the slightest grasp of what is really going on and could see through your Trump hate blinders, you would realize that, even aside from the border security issue, Trump has done numerous other things to help the country.

The economy is better. 2018 was the worst for stocks in 10 years  Stocks on track for worst December since the Great Depression

Job growth is happening.  Unemployment claims by federal workers skyrocket

We are far more respected on an International basis. 
that is so stupid it doesn't need a rebuttal link.

Many, many little things:  reducing government; calling attention to the need for forest management to reduce wildfires.
  Forest management?  FOREST MANAGEMENT!!! are freaking kidding?  The man can't tie his own shoes.  Get real.

All you can do is whine about his personal tweets and habits.  With his schedule, which is probably ten times as onerous as anything you could do in a week, I'm glad he has the golf breaks.

The person who will be red-faced should be you, but it won't be because you are living in an alternate reality.

So your fall back position is Trump is a better man than me?  Unlike our President I have asked God to forgive my sins.  also...
I would never let my son go to prison because of me. 
I would never sleep with my daughter. 
I don't insult people because of their race.
I wouldn't embarrass my wife at $130,000 a pop
I wouldn't lie to my supporters and promise things I couldn't deliver like a wall, justice for Hitlery, Obamacare repeal, swamp draining, or competence.

because of this I feel confident in proclaiming President Trump is not qualified to lick the sweat off my taint.  I'm not surprised by your very low standards of satisfaction.

Offline sneakypete

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Democrats should care about AMERICANS/CITIZENS.


Dims MUST suck up to foreigners because there are not enough American votes to keep them in power. And make no mistake about it,it is all about personal power and wealth with them. They don't give a damn about America,the foreigners they pretend to love,or anyone else but themselves.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline DCPatriot

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"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

"Journalism is about covering the news.  With a pillow.  Until it stops moving."    - David Burge (Iowahawk)

"It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living" F. Scott Fitzgerald

Offline XenaLee

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Could you be more specific about your insinuation?  I’ve got about a nanosecond in my schedule to read then completely ignore it.

Lol...I'm referring to the ssdd snark that you apparently feel compelled to display against anyone (like myself) that doesn't sufficiently and reverently bow at the altar of St. Donald... on a 24/7 schedule.  It's not enough that some of us give him credit when due.  Oh hell no. 

But hey... it's no big deal.  I just love the irony.
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Offline XenaLee

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Yeah ... that's your job, isn't it?

I have no doubt.... that if we went back over your posts and mine....

that yours would be the ones chastising and preaching and personally bashing folks here...

not mine.

Care to take up that challenge?

No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

Offline MOD3

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Take it elsewhere.

Offline Night Hides Not

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I have no doubt.... that if we went back over your posts and mine....

that yours would be the ones chastising and preaching and personally bashing folks here...

not mine.

Care to take up that challenge?

Are you seeking to open up another can of worms?  Lol, those of us who are referred to as NT's have been blasted as traitorous, anti-Americans for not buying everything that the President is selling.

Of course, my post will be seen as a direct bashing of every member of the Orange Brigade that posts on these forums.

At least, there's one thing we can agree on...border security/a wall is "the hill to die on". Should the Republicans/Trump lose this battle, for which anything less than a total victory will be considered a cave, it will be impossible for the Democrats to screw it up in 2020.

You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.

1 John 3:18: Let us love not in word or speech, but in truth and action.

Offline XenaLee

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Are you seeking to open up another can of worms?  Lol, those of us who are referred to as NT's have been blasted as traitorous, anti-Americans for not buying everything that the President is selling.

Oh hell no, not seeking that at all.  Just commenting on some of the comments here that always 'seek' to chastise or silence folks for voicing their (differing) opinions here.   Several posters have already been driven out.  Oddly enough, the ones I've noticed that are gone were NTers.  The always Trumpers (slavishly loyal, that) are incapable, of course, of discerning the huge plank in their own hypocritical eyes... per usual... when called on it (See: Emjay).

Of course, my post will be seen as a direct bashing of every member of the Orange Brigade that posts on these forums.

Of course.  The always Trumpers just seem to roll that

At least, there's one thing we can agree on...border security/a wall is "the hill to die on". Should the Republicans/Trump lose this battle, for which anything less than a total victory will be considered a cave, it will be impossible for the Democrats to screw it up in 2020.

If Trump loses the border wall battle, he is toast in 2020 and we (all of us on the right) will become victims of the radical right...

once again.
No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

Offline aligncare

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Lol...I'm referring to the ssdd snark that you apparently feel compelled to display against anyone (like myself) that doesn't sufficiently and reverently bow at the altar of St. Donald... on a 24/7 schedule.  It's not enough that some of us give him credit when due.  Oh hell no. 

But hey... it's no big deal.  I just love the irony.

I believe I was talking about @Once-Ler to @Emjay when you butted in. Allow me to de-construct your error.

No one here would say that Once-ler “doesn't sufficiently and reverently bow at the altar of St. Donald” primarily because he makes no secret of the fact that he disdains Donald Trump, and in no way would he ever bow to anything Trump.

So, in your estimation who was it that I was “compelled to display” snark against? Once-ler? You? And just as you needed no one’s permission to butt into my conversation, I don’t need your permission to address anyone here with my opinion.

You certainly are not anyone to talk about snark, yourself, Lady.

Offline Bigun

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Not going to be the problem some people think it is. They can put sensors in the wall to detect the vibrations from a grinding wheel,saw blade,or cutting torch,and then sent agents to that spot after verifying what is going on with a drone.

Having said that,I still prefer the cement wall. More expensive to put up,but will outlast steel by at least 10 to 1,and will require no maintenance while doing so. Yeah,you can cut concrete with a saw too,but who has a saw that will cut concrete that is 4 feet thick?

A wall will be the same as a force multiplier for the border patrol agents because it will force the illegals and the cartels to focus their efforts at one place,and the BP can create "way stations every few miles in areas most likely to be breached. When the sensors embedded in the walls start to scream in pain,they know where to go,and just load up and go there.


100% agreement! But there are other things that need doing as well.  Turning off all the magnets being chief among them!

« Last Edit: January 12, 2019, 04:30:45 pm by Bigun »
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

Offline XenaLee

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I believe I was talking about @Once-Ler to @Emjay when you butted in. Allow me to de-construct your error.

Oh my.  Defensive much?    :silly:

Psst!  Public forum = no such thing as 'butting in'.   *****rollingeyes*****

No one here would say that Once-ler “doesn't sufficiently and reverently bow at the altar of St. Donald” primarily because he makes no secret of the fact that he disdains Donald Trump, and in no way would he ever bow to anything Trump.

Reallly?  (duh)

So, in your estimation who was it that I was “compelled to display” snark against? Once-ler? You? And just as you needed no one’s permission to butt into my conversation, I don’t need your permission to address anyone here with my opinion.

Yeah, you're completely and totally oblivious of the snark you direct at me and others that you 'deem' as not sufficiently worshipful of Trump.  Riiight.  Not...   You know damned well who and why you snark at folks here.  Puhleeeze.

You certainly are not anyone to talk about snark, yourself, Lady.

Why thank you.   You're damned right... I can snark with the best of em.  Especially when I'm pointing out your snark.     wink777
No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

Offline Axeslinger

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Dims MUST suck up to foreigners because there are not enough American votes to keep them in power. And make no mistake about it,it is all about personal power and wealth with them. They don't give a damn about America,the foreigners they pretend to love,or anyone else but themselves.


And make no mistake about it...the Repubs are no different...
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first." - Thomas Jefferson

Offline Dexter

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five are the leaders and thinkers

That's probably part of the problem.
"I know one thing, that I know nothing."

Offline Emjay

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I have no doubt.... that if we went back over your posts and mine....

that yours would be the ones chastising and preaching and personally bashing folks here...

not mine.

Care to take up that challenge?

Gladly @XenaLee   Because way back when ... I never posted to you and I didn't even know you, you jumped in on my discussion with other people to chide me.  That's you all over.

And you don't even see the irony in the fact that you jumped in again on posts that did not concern you. 
Against stupidity, the Gods themselves contend in vain.

Offline XenaLee

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Gladly @XenaLee   Because way back when ... I never posted to you and I didn't even know you, you jumped in on my discussion with other people to chide me.  That's you all over.

And you don't even see the irony in the fact that you jumped in again on posts that did not concern you.

You mean.... kinda like this....?    :silly:,347022.msg1888196.html#msg1888196

Your hypocrisy really does.... know 'no' bounds.

No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

Offline DCPatriot

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Take it elsewhere.

Hey!  WTF???

Do I have to get involved here in order for you to come back here?    :smokin:
"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

"Journalism is about covering the news.  With a pillow.  Until it stops moving."    - David Burge (Iowahawk)

"It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living" F. Scott Fitzgerald

Offline XenaLee

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Hey!  WTF???

Do I have to get involved here in order for you to come back here?    :smokin:


Snitches get stitches, DCP.   You should know that by now.   :whistle:
No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

Offline MOD3

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Ladies, end this now or take a break.

Offline XenaLee

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Ladies, end this now or take a break.

Would you please ask Emjay to refrain from pinging me (back) to the thread? 

Much appreciated.    happy77
No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.