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Re: Woman #3 Avenatti Twitter right Now Kavanaugh is done
« Reply #275 on: September 26, 2018, 08:23:14 pm »
Thanks @Free Vulcan
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Re: Woman #3 Avenatti Twitter right Now Kavanaugh is done
« Reply #276 on: September 26, 2018, 08:23:37 pm »
Lindsey Graham on Latest Kavanaugh Accuser: "If you went to a party once where people are being drugged and gang-raped, you wouldn't go to the next nine."
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Re: Woman #3 Avenatti Twitter right Now Kavanaugh is done
« Reply #277 on: September 26, 2018, 08:24:54 pm »
I've been considering an alternative approach to getting Kavanaugh confirmed, but he must do it at the hearing tomorrow.

Judge Kavanaugh should make a statement, to wit:
"I have lost confidence in this Senate committee panel's ability to distinguish the truth from these spurious and baseless allegations.

I therefore make a request to Senate Majority leader McConnell for a floor vote on my nomination in the Senate as soon as possible, within the next 4 days.

I will accept the result of such vote, and either assume the position for which I have been nominated, or else released from this Orwellian nightmare of bogus accusations.

This concludes my testimony before you."

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Re: Woman #3 Avenatti Twitter right Now Kavanaugh is done
« Reply #278 on: September 26, 2018, 08:25:55 pm »
Lindsey Graham on Latest Kavanaugh Accuser: "If you went to a party once where people are being drugged and gang-raped, you wouldn't go to the next nine."

Lindsey is fired up!
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Re: Woman #3 Avenatti Twitter right Now Kavanaugh is done
« Reply #279 on: September 26, 2018, 08:35:07 pm »

This Julie sounds like a goer. Anyone have her number?

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Re: Woman #3 Avenatti Twitter right Now Kavanaugh is done
« Reply #280 on: September 26, 2018, 08:41:26 pm »
White House just released a signed letter from 60 Kavanaugh classmates saying they never witnessed any kind of behavior from him.

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Re: Woman #3 Avenatti Twitter right Now Kavanaugh is done
« Reply #281 on: September 26, 2018, 08:59:55 pm »
Viral photo of Feinstein, Murkowski draws LBJ comparisons

By Emily Birnbaum, Peter Sullivan - 09/26/18 04:40 PM EDT

Photographers caught Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) in a tense pose at the Capitol on Wednesday, with the photo quickly going viral shortly after being posted to Twitter.

The photo, which depicts Feinstein leaning over Murkowski, drew comparisons from Twitter users who likened Feinstein's stance to Lyndon B. Johnson, who often sought to use his size to intimidate lawmakers and reporters.

No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

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Re: Woman #3 Avenatti Twitter right Now Kavanaugh is done
« Reply #282 on: September 26, 2018, 09:12:04 pm »
I was still 18 when I was in high school, and so were the majority of my friends.

Julie graduated three years ahead of Kavanaugh- why was she hanging out at high school parties at the age of 20.
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Re: Woman #3 Avenatti Twitter right Now Kavanaugh is done
« Reply #283 on: September 26, 2018, 09:17:50 pm »
Porn lawyer + crazy woman = entertainment
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Re: Woman #3 Avenatti Twitter right Now Kavanaugh is done
« Reply #284 on: September 26, 2018, 09:20:24 pm »

Those images are all over 4chan some as long ago as 2012. It is from a website called Don't know if they are real or mockups.
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Re: Woman #3 Avenatti Twitter right Now Kavanaugh is done
« Reply #285 on: September 26, 2018, 09:22:56 pm »

Katie Pavlich
‏Verified account @KatiePavlich
3h3 hours ago

Up next: Democrats will accuse Brett Kavanaugh of drinking so heavily he drove off a bridge with a young woman in the front seat, fled the scene — leaving her to drown, then later finding out she suffocated to death instead
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Re: Woman #3 Avenatti Twitter right Now Kavanaugh is done
« Reply #286 on: September 26, 2018, 09:23:18 pm »

‏Verified account @politico
4m4 minutes ago

Christine Blasey Ford is set to tell the Senate Judiciary Committee tomorrow that “I don't remember as much as I would like to” of her alleged assault by Kavanaugh, but “the details about that night that bring me here today are ones I will never forget”
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Re: Woman #3 Avenatti Twitter right Now Kavanaugh is done
« Reply #287 on: September 26, 2018, 09:24:29 pm »
@Sighlass, can we not do this here?

If judging each case on its own merit is hypocrisy, then everybody's crazy.  Also, it's all right for you to name me.

That's my last response about the past on this thread.

No problem for one to be judging each case on it's merits if one is "judging rightly and not administering different standard depending on how well you like each candidate.

Now we have a far left senate member (Doug Jones) who is an expert at this type of sexual smear job sitting on the bench judging (and probable helping the left in this matter) who Trump gets to place on the SCOTUS. We could of had a solid conservative vote on all issues.

The hypocrisy is not in "rightfully" judging, it is the double standards applied in that judgement as I clearly pointed out in examples. Posting horse pictures and saying only public opinion matters instead of facts that can not be proven one way or another 40 years after the fact. Now circumstantial bs becomes relevant, anyone can step forward, make an accusation and get enough people behind them to push it into the limelight.

This mess is partially due to people not defending other candidates in the past, not just Moore, but others like Herman Cain (and nearly Judge Thomas). Once tainted even without solid evidence, they were dropped like hot potatoes, called creeps and perverts, and mocked endlessly. All without the benefit of the common courtesy of looking at the big picture of just how easy it was for political operatives to orchestrate.

Now it is happening to the poster good-ole-boy republican that everyone seemed to like and suddenly people decide it is too close to home and time to defend him. But is the establishment GOPe gonna suddenly grow a backbone after caving so many times in the past, and fight this tactic? Well one or two more women coming forward and odds are, the answer is no. The delays are pretty much the proof that this is already happening.

Do I derive some sort of pleasure seeing the redux of what went down in Alabama a few months ago happen again? No, but I still harbor some bitterness that it leads to this slippery slope that is a runaway feminism/lawyer controlling policy via means that few men can "rightfully" defend themselves from.   
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Re: Woman #3 Avenatti Twitter right Now Kavanaugh is done
« Reply #288 on: September 26, 2018, 09:27:24 pm »

Erick Erickson
‏Verified account @EWErickson
5h5 hours ago

Remember, if they cannot confirm Kavanaugh, they cannot confirm anyone.  This is the beginning of a new age of judicial character assassination and it only gets worse from here.
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Re: Woman #3 Avenatti Twitter right Now Kavanaugh is done
« Reply #289 on: September 26, 2018, 09:32:12 pm »

Wired Sources
‏ @WiredSources
39m39 minutes ago

BREAKING: 60 classmates of Brett Kavanaugh sign a letter stating that they have never heard of new accuser Julie Swetnick - OAN
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Re: Woman #3 Avenatti Twitter right Now Kavanaugh is done
« Reply #290 on: September 26, 2018, 09:34:13 pm »
Katie Pavlich
‏Verified account @KatiePavlich
3h3 hours ago

Up next: Democrats will accuse Brett Kavanaugh of drinking so heavily he drove off a bridge with a young woman in the front seat, fled the scene — leaving her to drown, then later finding out she suffocated to death instead

Katie Pavlich is one smart cookie.
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Re: Woman #3 Avenatti Twitter right Now Kavanaugh is done
« Reply #291 on: September 26, 2018, 09:36:21 pm »
Wired Sources
‏ @WiredSources
39m39 minutes ago

BREAKING: 60 classmates of Brett Kavanaugh sign a letter stating that they have never heard of new accuser Julie Swetnick - OAN

Julie graduated three years before Kavanaugh and Gaithersburg might as well be on another planet in the early 80s. Hard to understand why a 20 year old is going to high school parties. Was she a pusher?
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Re: Woman #3 Avenatti Twitter right Now Kavanaugh is done
« Reply #292 on: September 26, 2018, 09:42:36 pm »
@austingirl, thank view of that I removed the post.

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Re: Woman #3 Avenatti Twitter right Now Kavanaugh is done
« Reply #293 on: September 26, 2018, 09:44:15 pm »
Principles matter. Words matter.

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Re: Woman #3 Avenatti Twitter right Now Kavanaugh is done
« Reply #294 on: September 26, 2018, 10:06:15 pm »
"I am not perfect and sometimes I drank too much in HS"

So much for being a HS nerd with only his nose in textbooks as many kept cramming down our throats

Brett is starting to backpeddle a little  and  a little more. Mark Judges old HS GF is now spilling the beans and going to authorities.

Look, I think Kavanugh should be confirmed.
What he did at age 17 should not be a hindrance. People change and they cannot be held to what they did as teen agers. He has led an model life for years. I have seen guys do a ton of crappy stuff in HS and college and later mature.

My personal belief is Kavanugh is one of the guys who when they drink too heavily turn into a not so nice person.

« Last Edit: September 26, 2018, 10:10:31 pm by mirraflake »

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Re: Woman #3 Avenatti Twitter right Now Kavanaugh is done
« Reply #295 on: September 26, 2018, 10:11:33 pm »
My personal belief is Kavanugh is one of the guys who when they drink too heavily turn into a not so nice person.

Well so far we have absolutely no evidence of that. None. We do have a ton of people who were on the scene back then denying everything these three Soros tied Liberal activists have to say. Your personal beliefs are based on projection from a life poorly lived.

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Re: Woman #3 Avenatti Twitter right Now Kavanaugh is done
« Reply #296 on: September 26, 2018, 10:13:15 pm »
Well so far we have absolutely no evidence of that. None. We do have a ton of people who were on the scene back then denying everything these three Soros tied Liberal activists have to say. Your personal beliefs are based on projection from a life poorly lived.

A bunch of people from college say he was a heavy drinker and a nasty drunk, including his freshman roommate.
Micah 6:8  "...what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?"

Disclaimer: I am a liberal, progressive, feminist, here because I like talking to you all.  We're all this together.

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Re: Woman #3 Avenatti Twitter right Now Kavanaugh is done
« Reply #297 on: September 26, 2018, 10:15:02 pm »
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Re: Woman #3 Avenatti Twitter right Now Kavanaugh is done
« Reply #298 on: September 26, 2018, 10:18:06 pm »
Erick Erickson
‏Verified account @EWErickson
5h5 hours ago

Remember, if they cannot confirm Kavanaugh, they cannot confirm anyone.  This is the beginning of a new age of judicial character assassination and it only gets worse from here.

Yet another hypocrite that threw Roy under the bus, but now there is 3 women claiming they were wronged, does he change his story? He acted like numbers count... which is it?

The Babylon Bee hits a little too close to home for some...
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Re: Woman #3 Avenatti Twitter right Now Kavanaugh is done
« Reply #299 on: September 26, 2018, 10:22:50 pm »
A bunch of people from college say he was a heavy drinker and a nasty drunk, including his freshman roommate.

You are a bold faced liar. I read the story. The only person with a real story described a hazing event for his fraternity that was entertaining. His closest friend at Yale says they went out all the time and he never got sloppy drunk. Everyone interviewed in that hit piece said he was a mellow guy and didn't cause trouble. He would drink and fall asleep. This is the opposite of what Leftist Pinkos like you are spinning.