Author Topic: Two Thugs Thought It Would Be Funny To Attack A Handicapped Girl  (Read 394 times)

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Two Thugs Thought It Would Be Funny To Attack A Handicapped Girl
« on: December 16, 2017, 05:25:34 pm »
Two Thugs Thought It Would Be Funny To Attack A Handicapped Girl

December 15, 2017| by Brian Anderson

I’m not sure how this fits in with the Black Lives Matter message. I guess two thugs in Georgia didn’t kill a black handicap girl, but they did beat her up. While it’s not taking a black life, it sure as hell isn’t respecting one or even pretending like it matters. They probably will get off on a technicality because BLM only applies to white people and mostly police officers. This is not outrageous enough to warrant a freedom march (riot) or any kind of race-based extortion scheme.

Jacqueline Flournoy (pictured) goes to Maynard Jackson High School in Atlanta, GA. She is hearing impaired and speaks in a way that intolerant assholes think is funny. WFVS reports that two male and one female students cornered Jacqueline at school recently, making fun of the way she talks and the fact that she has a white boyfriend. They reportedly used vulgar language in regards to her handicap and her interracial dating practices.