Author Topic: A Caution RE Trump & 2017--Qx Commentary, Speculations, Impressions, Mixed feelings  (Read 6648 times)

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Offline Quix

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My Assumptions, convictions, impressions, conjectures, feelings . . . . RE Trump, 2017 etc.
1. I'm 100% convinced that the globalist oligarchy does not allow folks in such 'higher' slots of power without a plan to put them there and use them in behalf of globalist oligarchy long range goals accordingly.
2. He is cast as an anti-oligarchy, non-beltway bloke. I'd love to think he is. I hope he can act that way wholesale in lots of dramatic ways reaffirming our founding values and Constitution. I just don't think it will get very far IF he will even attempt such stances. And IF he does go a good distance down that road, I think he will be Fosterized.
3. I think one of the oligarchy's main purposes in putting him in power is to tar and feather him with all the Conservative,  Patriotic, Constitutional, Christian associations, accusations etc. that they can--AND THEN to trash the economy; or the culture; or the relative peace; etc. etc. etc. EVEN TO THE POINT OF LIGHTING OFF WW3 on his watch.
3.1 A number of prophetic sources have indicated that WW3 will begin before the end of spring 2017. Some are asserting WW3 has already started. Certainly the assassination of the Russian Ambassador in Turkey was a startling reminder of the beginning of WW I.
4. I don't believe the oligarchy would have put anyone in the POTUS slot without a plan to use them to (A) further destroy the Republic and the Constitution; (B) Trash traditional values further; (C) Trash conservatives and patriots further--setting the lobotomized liberal idiots more against conservatives and patriots with a greater tendency to act violently against us; (D) set up greater civil unrest fostering an easier implementation of MARTIAL LAW.
5. Quite a number of military whistle-blowers have said the last few years that the plan is definitely in place to establish Martial Law far sooner than most people think. Various timelines have come and gone. However, there have also been successfully implemented greater and greater puzzle piece moves setting the stage for Martial Law--e.g. greater militarization of local police; greater ruthlessness on the part of some policemen; greater meat-axe intolerance toward citizens merely being law-abiding, patriotic citizens.
6. A number of sources have also asserted that the destruction of the electrical grid is far closer than the average citizen has any clue of. TWO Congressional investigations asserted that the vulnerability of the electrical grid to EMP was outrageous and needed massive immediate attention. Both studies were met with yawns--by Congress, the Administration and certainly by the MSM.
7. An almost avalanche of dreams and visions by a variety of folks all around the world have 'seen' America falling into utter chaos, ashes, a ruined heap with Martial Law administering further violence, punishment, chaos, herding of citizens into camps, etc.
8. Timelines for such speculations to surface in overt reality have never been very accurate. However, sooner or later, such DEFINITE OLIGARCHY PLANS WILL be implemented. They will not be forever merely planning such stunts.
9. It is beginning to LOOK LIKE 2017 may well be the trigger year for such 'wonderous events.'
10. imho, Shrilery would have gleefully taken us down the road to utter destruction, ashes and chaos much more rapidly and gleefully than Trump would have in our worst nightmares. However, with Trump in place, the oligarchy succeeds in further isolating and casting as beyond the pale and punishable all folks holding patriotic traditional values. If they Fosterize him--even making him a martyr would wind up the lobotomized lemmings, sheeple, Eloi something fierce. They'd be dancing in the streets and looting and destroying with much more intense glee and mayhem, imho.
11. Even if Trump's purported new confession of faith in Jesus The Christ as his Lord and Savior is authentic--I still have a hard time seeing him as a savior of the Republic. It is conceivable that God could use him in some miraculous ways as some folks have evidently predicted. I just don't see such a miracle going very far or very long before the renewed descent into hellishness on earth in the Republic. For one, the USA is far from buying into any serious confession and repentance of our affronts to Almighty Yehovah God--which would be minimally necessary to put off the judgment our Republic has so wholesale earned. As Billy Graham said, "If God doesn't judge America, He will have to apologize to Sodom & Gomorrah."
12. imho, it is much more likely that utter chaos, Martial Law, increased tyranny, WW3 etc. as well as increased 'natural' disasters--quakes, volcanoes, floods, fires, terror attacks--probably including nukes or other weapons of mass destruction--will afflict our once somewhat grad Republic. And THEN the confession and repentance wailing will begin when people begin to really hurt from personal pains, starvation, no cell phones, etc.
13. Nevertheless, I do not see even wholesale national repentance more than diminishing some of the judgment in some locales temporarily. Our culture has gone far far too far down the road of telling Almighty God to . . . uhhh . . . buzz off--in more foul vernacular terms.
14. I do not think God will be greatly impressed to the pleas of the snowflakes and even the shallow pretend Christians for help when they've all told Him to get lost for decades from public and private lives rather wholesale.
15. Nevertheless, I do believe that authentic Christians will arise and do great exploits with supernatural Holy Spirit assisted and God's angels assisted dramatic demonstrations of feeding more than 5,000 from little food; trashing the enemy's forces; supernatural protection etc. I've long had an image burned into my consciousness for decades of a 4-8 year old little girl--I think she'll be closer to 4 years old--declaring under Holy Spirit's unction that God will deal with the General and his army--perhaps even declaring that the earth will swallow up a General and his whole army--and it will literally happen exactly that way--rather instantly.
16.  Life will NOT go on endlessly as we have known it. The oligarchy has set up our destruction to make overt implementation of their global tyrannical one world government easier on our ashes than it would otherwise be. There are purportedly shocking numbers of Russian, Chinese and other foreign troops long stationed in out of the way military bases ready to move in behalf of the UN/globalist global government against patriotic citizens resisting their rule and reign.
Australian Christian Lobby Headquarters Rammed by Burning Van loaded with gas canisters

17. I think it is inescapable that patriots and authentic conservative Christians are scheduled for layers of increasingly intense persecution. The virulent raging hostility of the lemmings, sheeple, Eloi wailing about Shrillery's loss is just a gnat's fart's worth of a hint of the hostility, ruthlessness, violence that will be administered against patriots and authentic Christians in the not distant future.
18. I wish I could predict better because Trump will be in place. I just see no justification for such a rosy picture. And I see stacks of evidence to the contrary.
19. There may be some blips here and there of moves in sane, better directions for the Nation. I just don't see them being allowed to take root or gain much of a following and support from the masses. I see it far more likely that they will be used as trigger issues to spark greater and greater degrees of civil unrest--pitting brother against brother; sons and daughters against parents; etc. etc.
20. There are some prophet sources listed in the Mena Grebin thread in the Alternative Realities forum here:

And certainly many more of varying degrees of . . . plausibility . . . are available on youtube from well known folks and unknown folks--from solid folks and flaky folks. It can be a real challenge to pick the fly specks out of the pepper, to spit out the bones from such sources. One of the enemy's main tools is DECEPTION and DISINFORMATION. And he's certainly been active on such scores with folks claiming to have some prophetic insights on the not distant future. However, there is some truth embedded in the noise. One is wise to do what one can to ferret it out.
21. I do recommend that folks buckle their seat-belts. This will definitely be an "E-ticket" ride.
21.1 BTW, I'm not likely to respond much to naysayers carping and ranting against my views above. They are my impressions, opinions. Take them or leave them. If you want to be ugly--you'd be wiser to go suck rocks instead of display an ugly character for all to see more vividly.
22. Some of us--I suppose you could say all of us--were born for such a time as this. Whether we had any choice in such a "thrownness" before we were born is an interesting bit of conjecture. But I don't think it matters at this point. We are here and have to deal with the hand we were dealt. And cowards are NOT on God's favorites list. Though He IS dedicated to helping dramatically those who trust Him and endeavor earnestly to walk with Him in His Will according to His values and goals.
23. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered--which they will be--ultimately--conclusively at Armageddon. ALL EVIL DOERS will be wiped off the planet--and evidently even all evidence that they ever existed will be removed, as well.
24. I recommend joining the Winning Side--regardless of how hazardous it may look in the short term. There is no other rational choice, imho.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2016, 11:47:25 pm by Quix »
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Offline Quix

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Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Offline Frank Cannon

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What a load of long winded bullshit.

Offline ABX

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24. I recommend joining the Winning Side--regardless of how hazardous it may look in the short term. There is no other rational choice, imho.

...If all of this is as you state, I would recommend just keeping your head low and eyes open. I am often amazed at people who believe massive government conspiracies (FEMA camp level stuff) would feel so free to spout off their knowledge(sic) to the world- they are the first identified as possible targets against said conspiracy. They either actually don't believe it, they are over-confident in their privacy (lol), or they aren't too bright.

Imagine going online and spouting off about how you know all the dirt about the big mob and drug guys in your city. Guess who is the first target.

Personally, I am more of a follower of everything being a lot closer to chaos than conspiracy.

Offline Quix

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Thanks for your kind reply.

1. Have long pondered that issue.
2. I'd rather stand up and be counted for what's true and right than to be labeled by God a coward. He says the cowards will have their place in hell with murderers etc.
3. Homeland Security has already labeled veterans, patriots, Fundamentalist Christians that believe in the 2nd Coming . . . as TERRORISTS
4. There's the decade or 3 old story of a high ranking Christian FBI agent stumbling on the red list and the blue list. The red list are for those to be first exterminated. His name was on that list.
5. TPTB have been monitoring with literally acres of computers ALL electricity based communications AT LEAST since 1970. I was told that in my Navy Radioman role by my superiors.
6. Therefore, most of us have long been flagged, identified.
7. There's no hiding--certainly not for most folks--not many have the ability to go to a high remote mountain valley and dig-in to a secure well stocked bunker. And, imho, at some point, even billionaires will have to depend utterly and totally on God. I don't think any other scenario is likely.
8. I guess the bottom line, for me, is--I'd rather stand up and be counted on the side of God and what's true and right--even under pain of death.
9. It's not realistic that most folks could successfully keep their heads down sufficiently to escape all hazards--short of angelic protecting and hiding--which I believe will happen for many. Yet, some will certainly be "called to" martyrdom.
10. Yeah, the centuries old Chinese proverb is that the duck with its head up is the one with its head cut off first. Nothing new about that.

...If all of this is as you state, I would recommend just keeping your head low and eyes open. I am often amazed at people who believe massive government conspiracies (FEMA camp level stuff) would feel so free to spout off their knowledge(sic) to the world- they are the first identified as possible targets against said conspiracy. They either actually don't believe it, they are over-confident in their privacy (lol), or they aren't too bright.

Imagine going online and spouting off about how you know all the dirt about the big mob and drug guys in your city. Guess who is the first target.

Personally, I am more of a follower of everything being a lot closer to chaos than conspiracy.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Offline EasyAce

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24. I recommend joining the Winning Side--regardless of how hazardous it may look in the short term. There is no other rational choice, imho.

I have always believed in God---and I further believe He's smarter than we his foolish children,
and stays the hell out of our political fooleries.

That said, I prefer to be on the right side than to be on the "winning" side. The evidence that the
winning side is the right side is scant at best, and it has been so for a very long time. God will
be there to help His foolish children pick up the pieces from their foolish choices, as always He
is, but will they learn this time around as they haven't before?

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

Fake news---news you don't like or don't want to hear.

Offline Quix

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I have always believed in God---and I further believe He's smarter than we his foolish children,
and stays the hell out of our political fooleries.

That said, I prefer to be on the right side than to be on the "winning" side. The evidence that the
winning side is the right side is scant at best, and it has been so for a very long time. God will
be there to help His foolish children pick up the pieces from their foolish choices, as always He
is, but will they learn this time around as they haven't before?

Thanks for your kind reply.

Yeah, He's been in the business of helping his snotty nosed bratty kids for a long time.

However, He also declared in His Word that he sets up kings and takes down kings. And throughout the OT, certainly, he demonstrated His acting in the political arena.

Personally, I think he gives nations the leaders their people deserve by demonstration of the citizens' closeness to or hostility toward God, Himself.

That alone is reason enough to be sobered in our era.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2016, 12:41:20 am by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Offline Neverdul

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What a load of long winded bullshit.

Nah, just needs more cowbell.

@Frank Cannon
So This Is How Liberty Dies, With Thunderous Applause

Offline Victoria33

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"10. imho, Shrilery would have gleefully taken us down the road to utter destruction, ashes and chaos much more rapidly and gleefully than Trump would have in our worst nightmares."

Wrong.  There would be no war with Clinton.  There would be appeasement with her.  There will be war with Trump - his mouth has no limits to bringing about war.  I do expect the power grid to go down as that is our weakest point and both Russia and China can screw up our power grid since the grid is connected to the internet.  I researched this several years ago and studied the reports made by the professionals the government paid to study our vulnerability of the grid.  The warnings were in those reports but nothing has been done.  The minute the grid goes down, we are living as in the 1800s.

If you live in Texas, you have the advantage of the Texas grid being separate from the rest of the US grid.

Offline EasyAce

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Thanks for your kind reply.

Yeah, He's been in the business of helping his snotty nosed bratty kids for a long time.

However, He also declared in His Word that he sets up kings and takes down kings. And throughout the OT, certainly, he demonstrated His acting in the political arena.

Personally, I think he gives nations the leaders their people deserve by demonstration of the citizens' closeness to or hostility toward God, Himself.

That alone is reason enough to be sobered in our era.

I don't discount what you believe, but I do think that there is absolutely no way God
would have allowed a presidential race such as that of 2016. I suspect He looked
upon this country and her foolish citizens and thought to Himself,

Uh-uh. I can't be involved in this one. I learned My lesson the hard way---when
I let My servant Samuel talk me into sanctioning a king for My people and we all
know how
that worked out. And I've been watching lo these many decades,
and I
know King Saul was a piker compared to King Washington DC.
My children can't find anyone better than that real estate vulgarian and that
Arkansas crook to run for their president? They
still don't get that when it
comes to rendering unto Caesar what's Caesar's and rendering unto Me what's
Mine that
I'm not the one who wants to make off with the whole pot?
Thanks but no thanks! I'll be here to pick up the pieces, I promised I would never
let My children down and I never will, but sometimes, more than sometimes,
they've just
got to learn the hard way.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2016, 02:07:31 am by EasyAce »

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

Fake news---news you don't like or don't want to hear.

Offline Quix

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Thanks for your kind reply.

I think we differ in how we construe God's involvements with His world, nations, people groups, leaders, etc.

Given that He knows the number of the hairs on our head . . . etc. . . . I think He is a LOT more involved in the affairs of individuals, groups and nations than folks realize.

I realize a lot of people think he wound the watch  up and is just getting his kicks watching it tick along without His active touch. I don't see it that way.

I don't discount what you believe, but I do think that there is absolutely no way God
would have allowed a presidential race such as that of 2016. I suspect He looked
upon this country and her foolish citizens and thought to Himself,

Uh-uh. I can't be involved in this one. I learned My lesson the hard way---when
I let My servant Samuel talk me into sanctioning a king for My people and we all
know how
that worked out. And I've been watching lo these many decades,
and I
know King Saul was a piker compared to King Washington DC.
My children can't find anyone better than that real estate vulgarian and that
Arkansas crook to run for their president? They
still don't get that when it
comes to rendering unto Caesar what's Caesar's and rendering unto Me what's
Mine that
I'm not the one who wants to make off with the whole pot?
Thanks but no thanks! I'll be here to pick up the pieces, I promised I would never
let My children down and I never will, but sometimes, more than sometimes,
they've just
got to learn the hard way.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Offline Quix

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Thanks for your kind reply.

She said in 2008 that if she were President, she'd attack Iran.

Given that . . . and her chronic rage-a-holic character; her spiteful vengefulness; her chronic retaliating against those who dare to thwart her will or even look at her . . . I guess I see her very violent volatility as at least a couple of standard deviations higher than Donald's.

I think Donald's a blow hard. And, he could make some harsh calls and swing a big hammer in a lot of situations. I just don't see him so prone to violent rage anything remotely in the same ball park as the bw*tch.

Now what the PTB would order either one of them to do in whatever situations--and that's where the WW3 orders will come from . . . that's a whole different issue. I don't really think the President is at a high enough pay grade to get away with deciding that major an issue on his own.

= = =

Some clusters of power companies are more isolated than others and Texas is certainly one. However, I've never read anything that the Texas grid is immune to EMP any more than the rest of the country is. Have you?


"10. imho, Shrilery would have gleefully taken us down the road to utter destruction, ashes and chaos much more rapidly and gleefully than Trump would have in our worst nightmares."

Wrong.  There would be no war with Clinton.  There would be appeasement with her.  There will be war with Trump - his mouth has no limits to bringing about war.  I do expect the power grid to go down as that is our weakest point and both Russia and China can screw up our power grid since the grid is connected to the internet.  I researched this several years ago and studied the reports made by the professionals the government paid to study our vulnerability of the grid.  The warnings were in those reports but nothing has been done.  The minute the grid goes down, we are living as in the 1800s.

If you live in Texas, you have the advantage of the Texas grid being separate from the rest of the US grid.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2016, 02:40:29 am by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Offline Victoria33

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Thanks for your kind reply.
She said in 2008 that if she were President, she'd attack Iran.
Some clusters of power companies are more isolated than others and Texas is certainly one. However, I've never read anything that the Texas grid is immune to EMP any more than the rest of the country is. Have you?

"..and her chronic rage-a-holic character; her spiteful vengefulness; her chronic retaliating against those who dare to thwart her will or even look at her...She said in 2008 that if she were President, she'd attack Iran."

You are basing your opinion of her starting a war, on second hand reports of her personal temper, etc.., and you want to believe that as she is a freaking liberal so she must be horrible.  A personal temper does not mean a person is going to attack another country.  If you listened to her speeches during the campaign, she was a champion for "families", giving families what they need to raise their children.  She has been a genuine "help the children" person since she graduated from college.  I have studied her childhood behavior and through what she did in Arkansas.  She may have a terrible personal temper she lets out in her house or a hotel room, but she also knows the details of every middle east country and she would not attack any of them unless they attacked us first.  Her generals would have to convince her to attack.

"She said in 2008 that if she were President, she'd attack Iran."
You are taking that out of context.  There is now an nuclear agreement with Iran so no war.  Back in 2008, I'm sure she was asked what she would do if they had "the bomb" as that was what everyone was talking about.  She would have said she would attack Iran then.  So would have any president in that circumstance.

The Grid: There are two ways to take down the grid.

The Grid - an  EMP pulse from a nuclear bomb:  All electric company's lines in the US are connected together, except Texas.  An EMP pulse over central US goes into a line and travels through those lines and fries them all, every one.  Texas lines are not connected to those lines so their power stays up as their lines did not get the pulse.  If the pulse was over Texas, the pulse would go into Texas lines and those lines would be fried, but not the other US lines which are not connected to Texas.

The Grid - if a hacker takes down the entire internet, every electric company goes down, no matter where they are, including Texas, because every company has infused the internet to control the power distribution to their various lines. Without that control, transformers will blow.  This is a simple explanation about the internet and I'm sure it is more complicated that that, but the power will go out if the internet goes down.

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Thanks for your kind reply.

You have likely studied Shrillery more than I have.

However . . . I'm a bit skeptical that you appreciate how literally demonized she is--as a literal practicing witch--per Secret Service personnel.
Many folks working around her come away asserting that they've never come across such intense raw evil in their entire lives until they met her.
I don't believe she does things "for the children" for a minute.
There's the report via the NYPD of her . . . uhhhh . . . doing ugly things with a little girl . . . Billdo walks in, she looks up and asks Bill how his meeting went . . . then goes back to her horrid activity. Purportedly, NYPD has some video of her doing some such things with underage girls.
These characters are NOT nice people by any stretch of the imagination. And for a crew of demonized jerks gleefully waiting to forcefully depopulate the planet in great big chunks of suffering and dying humanity--I don't think the idea of starting WW3 would be a big hesitation for them, at all.
Some of them seem to be champing at the bit to push the red button. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if the pants suit were such a person. I'd be surprised if she weren't.
I may have studied globalist goals, strategies, mind sets and evil a lot more than you have Hillary. Maybe not. I've studied such since 1965.
Anyway--good to have your perspective. It helps me re-evaluate my own.


"..and her chronic rage-a-holic character; her spiteful vengefulness; her chronic retaliating against those who dare to thwart her will or even look at her...She said in 2008 that if she were President, she'd attack Iran."

You are basing your opinion of her starting a war, on second hand reports of her personal temper, etc.., and you want to believe that as she is a freaking liberal so she must be horrible.  A personal temper does not mean a person is going to attack another country.  If you listened to her speeches during the campaign, she was a champion for "families", giving families what they need to raise their children.  She has been a genuine "help the children" person since she graduated from college.  I have studied her childhood behavior and through what she did in Arkansas.  She may have a terrible personal temper she lets out in her house or a hotel room, but she also knows the details of every middle east country and she would not attack any of them unless they attacked us first.  Her generals would have to convince her to attack.

"She said in 2008 that if she were President, she'd attack Iran."
You are taking that out of context.  There is now an nuclear agreement with Iran so no war.  Back in 2008, I'm sure she was asked what she would do if they had "the bomb" as that was what everyone was talking about.  She would have said she would attack Iran then.  So would have any president in that circumstance.


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A personal temper does not mean a person is going to attack another country. 

However . . .

a personal temper is also NOT 100% DEVOID of any influences toward attacking another country.

Lots of conflicts have started over pride.

And her pride, arrogance, sense of entitlement to use people . . .  is off the charts.

= = =
The children thing--I'd be interested in what you can share about her childhood behavior.
I've long wondered about her relationship with her father.
I know she was originally for Goldwater.
The one pic I saw of her father--he was a very 'dark' . . . as in countenance, spirit, personae sort of person.
I'm skeptical that she was ever 'for the children' in any genuinely selfless way. I could be wrong, of course.
Certainly as a politico . . . she milked that meme for everything she could get out of it. Yet, there were reports that once she was out of the photo-op with kids, she was cursing them up one side and down the other in very foul language.
I don't recall Mena Grebin's retired Secret Service husband ever said much on the record. However, IIRC, Mena has alluded to the stories about Hillary being, more or less, essentially true.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2016, 04:41:47 am by Quix »
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Personal Temper? Like throwing a lamp or ashtray at said husband of Hillary and giving him a shiner that had to be touched up with makeup? Isn't that how the story goes?

Oh yeah, a tweet is so much worse!  :thud:

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Personal Temper? Like throwing a lamp or ashtray at said husband of Hillary and giving him a shiner that had to be touched up with makeup? Isn't that how the story goes?

Oh yeah, a tweet is so much worse!  :thud:

Which doesn't get into her reportedly throwing the $920,000 bottle of wine through a huge high quality HD TV/display in her hotel room the night of the SElection.
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Offline EasyAce

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Let's face it. This year's presidential race was between two of the worst people and least
qualified candidates of which our history has record. It spoke ill of our country that the
best we could find to run as a Republican or a Democrat was this pair of sewer rats.

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

Fake news---news you don't like or don't want to hear.

Offline Quix

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Let's face it. This year's presidential race was between two of the worst people and least
qualified candidates of which our history has record. It spoke ill of our country that the
best we could find to run as a Republican or a Democrat was this pair of sewer rats.


it was NOT the best that the PEOPLE could offer . . .

it was the CHOSEN destroyers, puppets that the oligarchy chose to ram down our throats.

They have been dividing and conquering for centuries.

Now they have the citizens of our Republic ready to kill each other over T-shirts, bumper stickers and stern looks.

We are not in Kansas any longer and not going back soon.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2016, 06:53:34 am by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Online Weird Tolkienish Figure

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it was NOT the best that the PEOPLE could offer . . .

it was the CHOSEN destroyers, puppets that the oligarchy chose to ram down our throats.

They have been dividing and conquering for centuries.

Now they have the citizens of our Republic ready to kill each other over T-shirts, bumper stickers and stern looks.

We are not in Kansas any longer and not going back soon.

Is there anybody in your view who isn't chosen by the oligarchy?

Offline Cripplecreek

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Let's face it. This year's presidential race was between two of the worst people and least
qualified candidates of which our history has record. It spoke ill of our country that the
best we could find to run as a Republican or a Democrat was this pair of sewer rats.

We had good choices. The American people weren't up to the task.

Online libertybele

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Let's face it. This year's presidential race was between two of the worst people and least
qualified candidates of which our history has record. It spoke ill of our country that the
best we could find to run as a Republican or a Democrat was this pair of sewer rats.

Plenty of good candidates ran in the primaries.  The fix was in for Hillary for quite awhile; she had more super delegates than Bernie from the beginning.  Trump saw an opportunity to profit and tap into what an angry electorate wanted to hear on various different issues from illegal immigration to being able to mutter the words 'Merry Christmas'.  IMHO Trump is on team Trump; if it can make him money he'll do it. He will only make America great again if it makes Trump greater. He has vocalized that NAFTA needs to be renegotiated, the Iran deal will be off the table, Obamacare will be changed, he'll build a wall and jump start the economy.  It's how he gets us to those points (if indeed he does) that concerns me.  Even though those issues hit a raw nerve with the voters, that doesn't mean he's a conservative by any means.  He has made some wise cabinet choices, but others to me seem rather shady and concerning. What Trump and a GOP majority does remains to be seen.  I still think giving one of the most wealthiest men in the world one of the most powerful positions in the world is sheer lunacy.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2016, 01:07:51 pm by libertybele »
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

Offline Cripplecreek

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Plenty of good candidates ran in the primaries.  The fix was in for Hillary for quite awhile; she had more super delegates than Bernie from the beginning.  Trump saw an opportunity to profit and tap into what an angry electorate wanted to hear on various different issues from illegal immigration to being able to mutter the words 'Merry Christmas'.  IMHO Trump is on team Trump; if it can make him money he'll do it. He will only make America great again if it makes Trump greater. He has vocalized that NAFTA needs to be renegotiated, the Iran deal will be off the table, Obamacare will be changed, he'll build a wall and jump start the economy.  It's how he gets us to those points (if indeed he does) that concerns me.  Even though those issues hit a raw nerve with the voters, that doesn't mean he's a conservative by any means.  He has made some wise cabinet choices, but others to me seem rather shady and concerning. What Trump and a GOP majority does remains to be seen.  I still think giving one of the most wealthiest men in the world one of the most powerful positions in the world is sheer lunacy.

The establishment wanted Trump in the race to take out guys like Cruz but Trump took down their establishment guys first. The establishment went with the guy they knew was for sale.

Trump fans can lie to themselves, each other, and us but the fact that Trump sold out won't change. He put Mr Establishment Reince Priebus on as chief of staff for the love of god.

Online libertybele

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The establishment wanted Trump in the race to take out guys like Cruz but Trump took down their establishment guys first. The establishment went with the guy they knew was for sale.

Trump fans can lie to themselves, each other, and us but the fact that Trump sold out won't change. He put Mr Establishment Reince Priebus on as chief of staff for the love of god.

Trump played both sides of the fence; something that wasn't expected and then he had a field day with the media.
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

Offline Quix

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FDR said . . . 'If it happens in politics, it was planned that way.'

imho, current goings on . . . and for a long time . . . tend to be

a farce wrapped in a charade, wrapped in an illustion, wrapped in a deception with a distracting--opposite-to-fact surface paint & pics, wrapped in a meticulous great deception, seemingly wrapped in carefully crafted 'chaos.'

1. I believe he was in a position to know what he was talking about.
2. The oligarchy have been dividing and conquering for many many decades, if not centuries.
3. They have been playing all ends against the middle and vice versa about as long.
4. No, I don't believe that any candidates, in the upper political realms, are allowed to gain power without the oligarchy's blessing.
5. Jesse Ventura's narrative about the CIA being shocked at his victory--that he was NOT supposed to win--is, I think, an exception and illustrative of what is routine in political realms.
The Babylon Code is one of my current books. It outlines the power-mongering by the leading families through the centuries with rather thorough documentation. Folks can believe the historical facts, or deny them. There are consequences for either stance.

Even my mother and her father--salt of the earth farmer, trucker types from Texas and Oklahoma--knew that the Great Depression was deliberately staged by the bankers et al--the ruling oligarchy. This sort of thing has been going on for a very long time.
The frog-in-the-kettle strategy of moving geopolitical puzzle pieces around in sequential and layered efforts toward greater and greater consolidation of global power into fewer and fewer hands has been going on with increasing success for a very long time. At this point, denial of that fact is, imho, carefully engineered suicidal MSM lobotomized cluelessness.[/b]

Is there anybody in your view who isn't chosen by the oligarchy?
« Last Edit: December 22, 2016, 02:47:47 pm by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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