Author Topic: Reports indicate the Turkish army has crossed the border into Syria  (Read 1676 times)

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Meanwhile, since all that would take to unleash a full-blown war is for some Russian to be unexpectedly blown up, events like this do not inspire much confidence in the Syrian "ceasefire":

    #Breaking Several mortars reportedly impacted the vicinity of the Russian embassy in Damascus #Syria

    — Michael Horowitz (@michaelh992) February 14, 2016

On Saturday, the geopolitical world was shocked when Turkey began shelling Aleppo, where the Syrian opposition has its back against the wall in the face of an aggressive advance by Hezbollah and the IRGC supported, of course, by Russian airstrikes.

To be sure, everyone knew Ankara and Riyadh would have to do something quick if they wanted to preserve the rebellion. Their proxies are being rolled up rapidly by Hassan Nasrallah’s army and Vladimir Putin’s air force juggernaut. But few expected the escalation would come so quickly.

But Recep Tayyip Erdogan is unpredictable (just ask the lone surviving pilot of the Su-24 Turkey shot down in November) and this weekend, he decided that there’s no time like the present when it comes to starting World War III.

Officially, Turkey says it’s shelling Kurdish positions in Syria in self defense. It’s all about securing the border against hostiles, Ankara says. Of course the idea that the YPG are set to invade Turkey is laughable. The Syrian Kurds have secured enough space in their own country to declare an autonomous proto-state, and they needn’t aspire to capturing Turkish territory.

But for Erdogan, that’s precisely the problem. Ankara fears the YPG’s gains will embolden the PKK militarily and the HDP politically and last June’s elections clearly suggest that an emboldened Kurdish minority has the power to shake up the political scene.

And so, Turkey is set to take the fight to Syria in the name of fighting “terrorists”, which for Erdogan, means eradicating the Kurds. As we noted on Saturday, the challenge for Ankara and Riyadh is this: somehow, Turkey and Saudi Arabia need to figure out how to spin an attack on the YPG and an effort to rescue the opposition at Aleppo as an anti-ISIS operation even though ISIS doesn’t have a large presence in the area.

Incredibly, Turkey seems less concerned about the optics than we thought. In short, Erdogan looks as though he’s prepared to simply enter the war on the pretext that Turkey needs to roll back the YPG which, you’re reminded is explicitly backed by the US.

In a way that makes sense. You can’t very well shell Aleppo and use ISIS as an excuse. The group’s presence isn’t large enough in the area. But what you can do is say “the PKK are terrorists, they’re allied with the YPG who are in Aleppo, and therefore, we need to shell Aleppo.” Put in the simplest possible terms, what Erdogan is really doing is trying to reopen supply lines closed by Russia and Iran by wiping out Kurdish forces who dominate the northern border with Turkey.

    Turkish drones suspected of penetrating Syrian airspace over northern #Aleppo to find additional targets for artillery strikes.

    — Daniel Nisman (@DannyNis) February 14, 2016

The shelling continued on Sunday. "The Turkish army shelled positions held by Kurdish-backed militia in northern Syria for a second day on Sunday, killing two fighters," Reuters reports, citing the admittedly dubious Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. The YPG controls nearly all of Syria's northern frontier with Turkey, and has been a close ally of the United States in the campaign against Islamic State in Syria, but Ankara views the group as an extension of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which has waged a three-decade-old insurgency for autonomy in southeast Turkey."

Jaysh al-Thuwwar, an allied group warned Turkey against further attacks, saying if the country "has goals in our dear nation, we will defend our land and our people, and view it as a hostile party". Again, this comes from the very same groups the US is overtly supporting with arms and air power. So not the CIA-sponsored opposition. Turkey is shelling fighters who literally have the clearance to call in US airstrikes from warplanes that, in an irony of ironies, are flying from Incirlik, the Turkish air base.

And speaking of Incirlik, the Saudis are moving into position.

    #Turkey and Saudi Arabia reportedly established a joint operation room for syrian operations, as Saudi jets arrived to Incirlik #Syria #KSA

    — Michael Horowitz (@michaelh992) February 14, 2016

    #North_Thunder, the biggest military exercise in the region led by #Saudi

    — ??? ????? (@diraalwatan) February 14, 2016

They're also conducting "exercises" dubbed "North Thunder" or, "Road North." Here's SPA (translated):


    Witnessing the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during the next few hours the arrival of troops participating in the military exercise largest and most important in the history of the region, "Raad north," In the King Khalid Military City Hafr al-Batin in the northern kingdom will be implemented exercise which is the largest military maneuver in terms of the number of countries, with the participation of 20 Arab, Islamic and friendly country, in addition to the Peninsula shield forces, and these countries are: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Bahrain, Senegal, Sudan, Kuwait, Maldives, Morocco , Pakistan, Chad, Tunisia, the moon, Djibouti, Oman, Qatar, Malaysia, Egypt, Mauritania, Mauritius, in addition to the Peninsula shield forces. Islands constitute Raad north, the largest military exercise of its kind in terms of the number of participating countries, and military equipment quality of weapons and military equipment diverse and sophisticated, including fighter jets from different models reflect the large quantitative and qualitative spectrum, which show him those forces, as well as the participation of a wide range of artillery and tanks, infantry and air defense systems, naval forces, in a simulation of the highest level of high alert for the armies of the countries 20 participation.

    Exercise Raad North represents a clear message to the Saudi brothers and brothers and friends of the participating countries stand united to face all challenges and to maintain peace and stability in the region, in addition to the emphasis on many of the goals, all in full readiness circle and maintain the peace and security of the region and the world .

    Analysts say that the exercise Raad North confirms that the leaders of the participating countries, are fully in line with the vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the need to protect the peace and stability in the region.

A lot of words to say this: "We're flexing our muscles on the way to invading Syria."

"What is present now is aircraft that are part of the Saudi forces," Brigadier General Ahmed al-Asiri told Al Arabiya News Channel on Sunday, referencing the Saudi presence at Incirlik. "The kingdom is ready to participate in any ground operations that the coalition (against ISIS) may agree to carry out in Syria," he added.

Remember, Turkey also shelled the Syrian army on Saturday.

“Turkish artillery shelled Syrian territory, targeting Syrian Kurdish positions and the positions of the Syrian Arab Army,” SANA news agency reported, citing a letter from Damascus to the UN. Expect those attacks to continue in the name of "self defense."

Meanwhile, the Russians aren't letting up. Aleppo will be recaptured and that, as they say, is that. "Russia is determined to create facts on the ground, and when they have accomplished this, then they will invite the West to fight a common enemy, this is ISIS," Norbert Roettgen, head of the foreign affairs committee in the German parliament says, underscoring our contention that Russia is determined to negotiate from a position of absolute strength. "Let's be clear about what this agreement does. It allows Russia's assault on Aleppo to continue for another week," John McCain exclaimed. "Mr Putin is not interested in being our partner. He wants to shore up the Assad regime, he wants to establish Russia as a major power in the Middle East, he wants to use Syria as a live fire exercise for Russia’s modernizing military."

Right. And America is seemingly powerless to stop him.

In the short term, the only question now is this: how long will it be before Turkey or Saudi Arabia kills a Hezbollah fighter or an IRGC general?

Or worse: what happens when a Russian ends up dead at the hands of the region's Sunni powers?


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Re: Reports indicate the Turkish army has crossed the border into Syria
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2016, 04:59:36 pm »
Why wasn't this in yesterday's debate?

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Re: Reports indicate the Turkish army has crossed the border into Syria
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2016, 05:15:08 pm »
This whole thing is turning into s*** soup faster than you can flip a pancake. We have a multitude of countries playing on both sides of the line - including the U.S. - about to turn it all into complete anarchy.

Meanwhile, ISIS is saying 'you really got to try this popcorn, it's delicious!'.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2016, 05:15:41 pm by Free Vulcan »
The Republic is lost.


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Re: Reports indicate the Turkish army has crossed the border into Syria
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2016, 05:19:58 pm »
This whole thing is turning into s*** soup faster than you can flip a pancake. We have a multitude of countries playing on both sides of the line - including the U.S. - about to turn it all into complete anarchy.

Meanwhile, ISIS is saying 'you really got to try this popcorn, it's delicious!'.


I always wondered how Barack Hussein Obama would get a 3rd term.

While we are busy debating over a new president, the world is on the verge of WWIII and nobody even knows it.

The US military is no way ready for this.  Especially after 8 years of demoralization, emasculation, and being turned into a queer factory.


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Re: Reports indicate the Turkish army has crossed the border into Syria
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2016, 05:21:10 pm »
"We Are In A New Cold War": Russia PM Delivers Stark Warning To NATO

It was just two days ago when Russian PM Dmitry Medvedev warned that if Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Qatar invade Syria in a transparent attempt to shore up their Sunni proxy armies currently under siege by Moscow’s warplanes and Hezbollah, a “new world war” would be inevitable.

He also indicated that such a conflict would likely drag on for “decades.”

“Do they really think they would win such a war very quickly? That's impossible, especially in the Arabic world,” Medvedev said. “There everyone is fighting against everyone... everything is far more complicated. It could take years or decades."

On Saturday, Medvedev was back at it with the hyperbole (or at least we hope it’s hyperbole) in Munich where more than 60 foreign and defense ministers are gathered for the 52nd Munich Security Conference. In his speech, the PM challenged NATO’s military maneuvers in the Baltics as well as the alliance’s general approach towards relations with The Kremlin.

“The political line of NATO toward Russia remains unfriendly and closed,” he said in a speech to the conference. “It can be said more sharply: We have slid into a time of a new cold war.”

“NATO on Wednesday approved new reinforcements for eastern Europe, including stepped-up troop rotations on its eastern flanks and more naval patrols in the Baltic Sea,” Bloomberg notes. “In response, the Kremlin dismissed the alliance’s argument that the move was merely defensive.”

“Russia’s rhetoric, posture and exercises of its nuclear forces are aimed at intimidating its neighbors, undermining trust and stability in Europe,” NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg told the conference earlier. “We strive for a more constructive and more cooperative relationship with Russia.”

All of this comes on the heels of a year in which NATO made a concerted push to place new weapons and troops near Russia’s borders and prepare allies for a rapid deployment in the event Moscow invaded a neighboring state. The Kremlin says those fears are unwarranted, but the West points to Crimea and Ukraine as examples of “Russian aggression.”

“Russia has a simple choice: fully implement Minsk or continue to experience economically damaging sanctions,” Kerry said in Munich on Saturday, referencing the fragile ceasefire agreement that has at various times fallen apart in Ukraine. “Russia can prove by its actions that it will respect Ukraine’s sovereignty just as it insists for respect for its own.”

Kerry also lambasted Russia for what he calls “repeated aggression” in Ukraine and Syria.

“Kerry said Russia is defying the will of the international community with its support for separatists in eastern Ukraine and its military intervention in Syria on behalf of President Bashar Assad,” AP wrote earlier this morning, adding that “He [also] repeated allegations that Russian airstrikes in Syria have not been directed at terrorists but rather at moderate opposition groups supported by the U.S. and its European and Arab partners.”

    Good to be back at @MunSecConf. Transatlantic relationship critical because it is focused not just on regional challenges but on global ones

    — John Kerry (@JohnKerry) February 13, 2016

    US & Europe at forefront of fight against violent extremism. Recent terrible attacks have only reinforced our determination to defeat Daesh.

    — John Kerry (@JohnKerry) February 13, 2016

    With @poroshenko, urged unity, stability, reform, faster progress against corruption; reaffirmed US support for full Minsk implementation.

    — John Kerry (@JohnKerry) February 13, 2016

“To date, the vast majority, in our opinion, of Russia’s attacks have been against legitimate opposition groups and to adhere to the agreement it made, we think it is critical that Russia’s targeting change,” Kerry said. “If people who want to be part of the conversation are being bombed, we’re not going to have much of a process.”

“The opposition may be pushed back here and there but they are not going to surrender,” he added.

We would beg to differ. They may wage a protracted war of attrition once the dust settles but in the short-term they're almost surely going to surrender. They have no choice. "Russia said on Saturday a ceasefire deal for Syria agreed by major powers was more likely to fail than succeed, as Syrian government forces backed by further Russian air strikes gained more ground against rebels near Aleppo," Reuters writes. And it's not just Aleppo, some reports now indicate government forces are moving into Raqqa, in what may be the first sign that Russia and Iran are setting their sights on the ISIS capital, a move that could preempt a Gulf state military intervention by effectively removing the excuse for the Saudis to be in Syria, forcing Riyadh to either admit it's going to war to oust Assad or stay at home.

Speaking of the Saudis and their thinly-veiled excuse for sending ground troops to Syria, here's what foreign minister Adel bin Ahmed Al-Jubeir had to say at the conference:

Obviously that's absurd. There's no reason whatsoever to suppose that an Assad-less Syria would cease to be a "fertile environment" for ISIS. In fact, it's easy to imagine ISIS rolling right over the other armed militants in the country were Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, and the SAA not fighting to restore the government in the west.

For his part, Sergei Lavrov told the conference that all sides are in the wrong in Syria. "Human rights groups and the U.N. recognize that everyone on the ground is doing something which is wrong from the point of view of humanitarian law," he said. "My point," he added, "is you should not demonize Assad. You shouldn't demonize anyone except terrorism in Syria."

That echoes statements made by Bashar al-Assad himself in an interview out Friday with AFP.

Although the conference is meant to promote international cooperation on pressing matters of security, the tension was palpable. Perhaps Medvedev summed things up best: "Sometimes I wonder if it's 2016 or if we live in 1962."
« Last Edit: February 14, 2016, 05:24:41 pm by HAPPY2BME »

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Re: Reports indicate the Turkish army has crossed the border into Syria
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2016, 12:02:23 am »
When Johnny Turk
Faces the Ivan the Russian
Ain't gonna be
No Gallipoli
This time...

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Re: Reports indicate the Turkish army has crossed the border into Syria
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2016, 12:29:12 am »


After months of tensions, Turkey is taking on Syrian Kurdish fighters inside Syria in a move that risks inflaming tensions with its NATO ally the United States and complicating the search for peace after almost five years of civil war.

On consecutive days this weekend, Turkish forces struck positions of Syrian Kurds with fire from Firtina howitzers deployed on the border, saying the army responded to incoming attacks.

This was the first time Turkey had confirmed striking positions of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) and its People's Protection Units (YPG) militia inside Syria, although last year the Kurds accused Turkey on at least one occasion.

Turkey accuses the PYD and YPG of being the Syrian branch of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) which has fought an over 30-year insurgency against th

teamobama on same side as teamshariaturkey.  Bff's.


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Re: Reports indicate the Turkish army has crossed the border into Syria
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2016, 12:52:59 am »
When Johnny Turk
Faces the Ivan the Russian
Ain't gonna be
No Gallipoli
This time...


The Turks are bad asses, without question.

You never want to piss them off as a nation. 

You REALLY never want to piss of the Russians, and that is what the Turks have done.

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Re: Reports indicate the Turkish army has crossed the border into Syria
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2016, 12:55:39 am »
Why wasn't this in yesterday's debate?

Because it comes from zerohedge and is not true, that's why.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

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Re: Reports indicate the Turkish army has crossed the border into Syria
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2016, 01:05:42 am »
Turkey shells Kurdish positions in Syria for 2nd day
By Zeina Karam and Dominique Soguel | AP February 14 at 12:28 PM
via Washington Post (excerpt)
BEIRUT — Turkey shelled positions held by a U.S.-backed Kurdish militia in northern Syria for a second day on Sunday, drawing condemnation from the Syrian government, whose forces are advancing against insurgents in the same area under the cover of Russian airstrikes.

Turkey’s state-run Anadolu Agency said Turkish artillery units fired at Kurdish fighters in the Syrian town of Azaz in Aleppo province, saying it was in response to incoming Kurdish fire.

Turkish troops have shelled areas under the control of Syria’s main Kurdish faction, the People’s Protection Units, known as YPG, in the past. The group has been most effective in the fight against the Islamic State group in Syria, but Ankara appears increasingly uneasy over the group’s recent gains in the country’s north.

“Turkey has responded in this manner in the past,” said Turkey’s Deputy Prime Minister Yalcin Akdogan. “What is different is not that Turkey has responded in such a way but the fact that there are different movements in the region. The YPG crossing west of the Euphrates is Turkey’s red line.”

The YPG is the main fighting force of Syrian Kurds and a key ally of the U.S.-led coalition battling the Islamic State group. Turkey, which is also in the alliance, considers it an affiliate of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, which has waged a decades-long insurgency against Ankara.

A coalition of Kurdish-led Syrian fighters known as the Syrian Democratic Forces recently seized a number of villages near Turkey’s border. Ankara appears concerned they could reach the opposition stronghold of Azaz, which is home to a major border crossing that has been controlled by militants since 2012.

Diplomats from a group of countries that have interests in Syria’s five-year civil war, including the U.S., Russia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Iran, agreed on Friday to seek a temporary “cessation of hostilities” within a week. But the fighting on the ground, which has sent tens of thousands of people fleeing toward the Turkish border where they continue to sleep in the open air, has accelerated.

A top Syrian opposition figure, former Prime Minister Riad Hijab, criticized Russia on Sunday for continuing with its bombing in Syria, and also stopped short of declaring a clear commitment to implement a planned temporary truce.

“You ask me if I accept a cease-fire or a cessation of hostilities. I ask you: Why is the onus on the opposition and whether it has preconditions for negotiations?” Hijab said. “I would like to see a single day of a cessation of hostilities in order to give a chance for real political movement.” He was addressing the Munich Security Conference, an annual gathering of foreign and security policy leaders.

Akdogan says Kurdish gains in northern Syria — facilitated by a Russian-backed government offensive in the same area — are also putting “unacceptable” pressure on opposition-held areas in Aleppo and the nearby town of Tel Rifaat.   ...
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