Author Topic: Proof That Republicans Are Driving Out 'Conservatives' - Limbaugh responds to Nikki Haley's SOTU response  (Read 4769 times)

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Published on Jan 13, 2016

Commentary — Limbaugh says its the first time he's heard the Republicans use the SOTU response to attack their own party. He says the GOP is trying to run out conservatives; that they are an elite group.


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Haley’s plea for tolerance draws cheers and jeers, revealing GOP divide

The celebration by Republican elites was instant, and so was the backlash on the far right.

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, the youthful daughter of Indian immigrants, had delivered a sunny and inclusive Republican response to President Obama’s State of the Union address that stood as an unmistakable counter to her party’s two presidential front-runners.

But Haley’s moment and its aftermath revealed an uncomfortable reality for GOP leaders. Even as they praised their chosen representative for condemning the polarizing politics fueling the rise of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, the currents of the 2016 race still churn against the establishment.

Conservative talk radio and social media lit up with contempt for her critique. “Trump should deport Nikki Haley,” commentator Ann Coulter tweeted. Rush Limbaugh accused Haley of taking part in a GOP conspiracy to “drive conservatives out of the party.”

And Trump, predictably, slammed her as soft on immigration and hypocritical. “Over the years, she’s asked me for a hell of a lot of money in campaign contributions,” he said on Fox News Channel.

What initially was hailed as a breakthrough for a party struggling to assume control of its image and message — Mitt Romney, the 2012 nominee, said Haley displayed “courage you can count on” — became a fleeting episode that called fresh attention to the establishment’s limited ability to do so.

With just 19 days until the kickoff Iowa caucuses, party leaders are tiptoeing around Trump and Cruz — nervous about agitating them and their supporters, fearful that their hard-line views on immigration and other topics could lead to general-election defeat, and uncertain about how to deny either the brash billionaire mogul or the combative senator from Texas the nomination.

“There doesn’t seem to be a plan for how to deal with Trump. They’re afraid,” said William J. Bennett, a top official in the Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations. “Instead of taking him on directly, they’re making vague, diffuse references.

“What’s worse,” he continued, “is that this leaves them in a position to be thumped by Trump. This is not the way he talks or campaigns, and he’ll hit them right back as fuzzy and weak.”

House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) selected Haley to deliver the party’s nationally televised response. Haley embodies the kind of party Ryan in particular is trying to build: even-tempered, reform-minded, pro-business and open to minorities.

“She clearly is a terrific advocate for an inclusive, younger, solution-oriented Republican Party,” said former House speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.).

Speaking Tuesday night from Columbia, S.C., Haley urged Americans to resist the temptation “to follow the siren call of the angriest voices” and to make everyone in the country feel welcome. The remarks were widely viewed as a clear reference to Trump’s immigration-related proposals, which include a massive wall on the U.S.-Mexico border and a temporary ban on Muslims entering the country.

Haley also said Democrats were not solely responsible for the failures in Washington. “There is more than enough blame to go around,” she said. “We, as Republicans, need to own that truth.”

Ryan and McConnell reviewed the text of Haley’s speech before her delivery, but there was no coordination to use the setting to attack Trump, their aides said. “Governor Haley did a great job with the speech. She had the pen and didn’t need much input from anyone,” said Ryan spokesman Brendan Buck.

Tim Pearson, Haley’s political adviser, said the governor told Ryan she would deliver the response only if he agreed to let her say whatever she wanted to say.

“There was nothing in the speech that she didn’t want in there, and there was nothing that she wanted in the speech that didn’t get in there,” Pearson said. “It was all hers.”

“Many conservatives feel that even though she’s a good governor, she probably got some of her talking points from the establishment,” said Kellyanne Conway, an adviser to a Cruz-allied super PAC. “It was an attempt to undercut Ted Cruz and Donald Trump.”

During Haley’s speech, a focus group of general-election voters assembled by Republican pollster Frank Luntz responded positively — more so, he said, than for any State of the Union response in a decade.

“She did exactly what the average voter would want from her,” Luntz said. “She was magnanimous and responsible. But neither attribute plays well in a right-wing Republican primary. . . . The danger for the Republicans is that they are caught between an uncompromisable base and an unforgiving general electorate.”

This tension was on display throughout the evening. As members of Congress assembled for the State of the Union, Trump was rallying his faithful inside a college gymnasium in Cedar Falls, Iowa. He warned of the dangers posed by illegal immigrants and foreign refugees. Putting on his glasses, he gave a dramatic reading of a song about a woman who invited a snake into her home, only to be bitten.

Publicly, party leaders are reluctant to fully reject Trump and Cruz’s brand of politics. Privately, however, they are in nearly universal agreement that Haley’s compassion represents the right approach, both politically and morally.

“You can’t begin to imagine how many moods were lifted as a result of listening to her remarks,” said Al Cardenas, a former chairman of the American Conservative Union and a longtime Jeb Bush ally. “People went, ‘Yeah, that’s who we are.’ It was uplifting, it was timely, and it was very well delivered.”

Haley’s speech — coupled with her leadership last year after the Charleston church massacre and her removal of the Confederate flag from the state capitol grounds — could put her atop the list of possible vice-presidential candidates.

Haley, 43, was first elected governor in 2010 as a tea party favorite and a figure outside of her state party’s establishment. National GOP leaders have since embraced her, but she began her career as someone who railed against the institutional party in both her state and elsewhere.

“When you ask people to describe what a Republican is, overwhelmingly they say things like ‘rich,’ ‘white,’ ‘old,’ ‘grouchy’ and ‘male,’ ” said GOP consultant Katie Packer Gage. “Nikki is very, very accomplished, she’s very articulate and makes a great case for conservatism. And she doesn’t look like what people expect a Republican to look like.”

Gingrich went so far to suggest that Haley would make a good running mate for Trump. He said that despite their obvious differences — “Haley is a very positive person; Trump is by nature a confronter” — the two have much in common.

“Trump is articulating what an enormous amount of Americans think and feel — and most of it Nikki Haley wouldn’t disagree on,” Gingrich said. “She’s for legal immigration; look at Trump’s wife. They both want to move power out of Washington. They both want a country where everybody gets ahead.”


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The mainstream media loved Nikki Haley’s speech. But that doesn’t mean conservatives did.

The reviews from much of the conservative media, which is more in tune with the Republican base, weren't so glowing.

Laura Ingraham

Too bad @NikkiHaley missed her oppty to stand w/ working ppl who want borders enforced, American workers put first, govt shrunk.
9:48 PM - 12 Jan 2016

Laura Ingraham

The Haley speech was an echo of GWB, Jeb, Lindsey Graham-style Republicanism. We'll see how popular these views are as primaries begin.
7:02 AM - 13 Jan 2016

Steve Guest

.@RushLimbaugh: @NikkiHaley Is Proof Elites Are Trying To Decide Who Is And Who Isn’t Qualified To Be A Republican
12:44 PM - 13 Jan 2016 

Amanda Carpenter @amandacarpenter

Nikki Haley's speech would've been good except for the GOP self-loathing.
9:51 PM - 12 Jan 2016

Kasie Hunt@kasie

Early reaction to Nikki Haley response from conservative radio hosts, talkers, etc., incredibly negative
9:50 PM - 12 Jan 2016


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Once again, against all odds, the GOPe is about to do the impossible and elect Barack Obama's successor - Hillary Clinton.

Ripping Defeat From The Jaws Of Victory takes on new meaning.


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Carly Fiorina Slams Nikki Haley’s Speech: “It Was The Wrong Note”

The former NRSC vice chair also spoke out against the professional political class.

Former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina said South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley hit the “wrong note” in her response to President Obama’s State of the Union address.

After radio host Mike Gallagher took Haley’s speech to task for saying the Republican Party shouldn’t give in to the angriest voices on immigration, Fiorina responded, “Look I don’t speak for Nikki Haley and she doesn’t speak for me. I think you’re correct that it was the wrong note.”

Fiorina then transitioned to slamming President Obama’s message in the address to the nation.

“Look, let’s be clear, the GOP has an establishment, a political class, just like the DNC has an establishment and a political class,” added Fiorina, the former NRSC vice chair and Senate candidate. “I’m running against it. I got out there and talk everyday to Americans that it is time to take our country back, and our country back, and our government back and our future back. And we’re not gonna do that by electing another politician.”

In her speech on Tuesday evening the South Carolina governor urged calm in her party on the issue of immigration.

“Immigrants have been coming to our shores for generations to live the dream that is America,” Haley said. “Today, we live in a time of threats like few others in recent memory. During anxious times, it can be tempting to follow the siren call of the angriest voices. We must resist that temptation. No one who is willing to work hard, abide by our laws, and love our traditions should ever feel unwelcome in this country.”


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Many of the ppl with "loud, angry voices" supported & campaigned for @nikkihaley in 2010.


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Cuckservatives: Nimrata Randhawa Haley’s Official Republican Response To The State of the Union Address

Carpetbagger Nimrata Haley gushes over how South Carolina took down the Confederate flag

In case you need to be reminded, there are plenty of Republicans who are coming up for reelection this November WHO DO NOT DESERVE TO BE REELECTED on Trump’s coattails should he win the nomination:

Note: Whatever you do, look before you leap. Don’t let your enthusiasm for Trump translate into voting straight ticket for Republican for the likes of Nimrata Haley or Paul Ryan.

FULL VIDEO: Nikki Haley with GOP Response to SOTU Address


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Haley criticism of Trump sparks furor

Conservative Republicans ripped the GOP establishment on Wednesday for South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley’s criticism of Donald Trump.

A day after President Obama’s State of the Union address, more people were talking about Haley’s GOP response — and her warning that Republicans not “follow the siren call of the angriest voices” — than anything the president said.

Many interpreted Haley’s criticism of Trump as an attack by the GOP establishment on the outsider candidates who have turned the party’s primary race and conventional political thinking upside down.

“I think the establishment needs to quit bashing Donald Trump as much and listen to what he’s saying,” said Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.), a member of the conservative Freedom Caucus who hasn't endorsed anyone in the presidential primary. “Because some of the things he’s saying is resonating with the American people, or he wouldn’t be at the percentages of the polls that he is.”

Haley was invited by Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch ­McConnell (R-Ky.) to deliver the address, though Ryan’s office said it had little input in its content.

In her speech, Haley said Republicans were partly to blame for Washington’s dysfunction.

“We as Republicans need to own that truth. We need to recognize our contributions to the erosion of the public trust in America’s leadership. We need to accept that we’ve played a role in how and why our government is broken,” Haley said. “And then we need to fix it.”

She also highlighted her personal history as the child of Indian immigrants.

“We must fix our broken immigration system. That means stopping illegal immigration. And it means welcoming properly vetted legal immigrants, regardless of their race or religion. Just like we have for centuries,” she said.

Haley, seen by many as a potential vice presidential pick for the GOP, acknowledged her comments were aimed partly at Trump.

In an interview with local reporters, she said the Republican presidential front-runner’s call for a temporary ban on Muslim immigrants compelled her to speak out.

“You know, the one thing that got me I think was when he started saying ban all Muslims,” said Haley. “We’ve never in the history of this country passed any laws or done anything based on race or religion. Let’s not start that now.”

At the same time, Haley said her comments weren’t directed just at Trump and that she had differences with other GOP presidential candidates as well.

“You know, Jeb Bush passed Common Core, and Marco Rubio believes in amnesty, which I don’t. There’s lots of things,” Haley said.

Conservatives have criticized Bush, Florida’s former governor, for backing the controversial education standards, and Rubio, a senator from Florida, has taken heat for supporting a comprehensive immigration bill in 2013.

Those criticizing Haley’s comments included Trump, GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina and conservative pundit Ann Coulter, who said Trump should deport Haley. White House chief of staff Denis McDonough, on the other hand, praised her.

She drew support from other Republicans, too, including Ryan.

“Gov. Haley did a great job with her speech, had the pen and didn’t need much input from us,” Ryan spokeswoman AshLee Strong said. Haley “didn’t ask for, nor did we require, the Speaker’s approval.”

The selection of Haley was largely Ryan’s call because House and Senate Republican leaders typically alternate picking someone to deliver the official GOP response. McConnell was influential in selecting freshman Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) last year.

Aides to Ryan said the Speaker and governor are friends who’ve worked together in the past; she spoke at Ryan’s poverty summit just last weekend in Columbia, S.C.

Ryan and McConnell called Haley together last month to ask her to deliver the address. She got back to them a couple of days later and accepted.

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus — who oversaw an election autopsy report that blamed the party’s 2012 losses partly on a failure to attract minority voters — didn’t sign off on or even see Haley’s speech before it was delivered, an RNC official said. The response is handled similar to the GOP weekly address, the official said, which is overseen by House and Senate leaders.

On Capitol Hill, several conservatives criticized Haley’s comments, which they viewed as another example of GOP leadership marginalizing their views.

“I’m trying to think of a time when the party has moved somebody forward to give the response who was a conservative,” said Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), who has backed Ted Cruz’s White House bid. He said he disagreed with Haley’s remarks on immigration, saying that they suggested she wasn’t a “principled conservative.”

Rep. Dave Brat (R-Va.), who was elected to Congress after a Tea Party revolt against former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.), said Haley sounded as if she was making the same points in her response as Obama.

“The Republican speech and President Obama’s speech both had the same thesis, which is an attack on one person,” said Brat, who hasn’t endorsed in the GOP race.

Republicans who aren’t fans of Trump praised Haley for taking a stand.

“This isn’t a fight for the soul of the party. This is a fight for the dignity of the party. And I admire what she did,” said Rep. David Jolly (R-Fla.), who has endorsed Bush for president and has called on Trump to drop out of the race. Jolly is running for Rubio’s Senate seat.


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How ironic - we are seeing the Global Economy, Wall Street, and the Republican Party all reach Critical Mass and all within 48 hours of each other.

Offline Longiron

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Where is the SURPRISE. Most know the RINOGOPe does not want CONSERVATIVES in the party. Hell BUSHIE even said he does not need conservative base to win? That is working out well for him thus far! Nicki Haley is a RINO again bur most know that follows this stuff. That was obvious when she supported MITTENS. She is looking for a job in the RINOGOPe when her term is done in SC. She threw the people that elected her under the bus and her political career is done when her term expires in SC unless she gets a job somewhere in the RINOGOPe. However, she can always  go back to pole dancing!  :whistle:


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Where is the SURPRISE. Most know the RINOGOPe does not want CONSERVATIVES in the party. Hell BUSHIE even said he does not need conservative base to win? That is working out well for him thus far! Nicki Haley is a RINO again bur most know that follows this stuff. That was obvious when she supported MITTENS. She is looking for a job in the RINOGOPe when her term is done in SC. She threw the people that elected her under the bus and her political career is done when her term expires in SC unless she gets a job somewhere in the RINOGOPe. However, she can always  go back to pole dancing!  :whistle:


Pompous, heady, condescending, egotistic, manipulating, mesmerizing, and hypnotizing.

Does this best describe Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?

The 'great dilemma' at the moment is that the majority of bystanders are unable to distinguish just how different the two really are.  And the even 'greater dilemma' for the eGOP is that their thinking heads cannot offer a better choice over either one.

Trump is by no means my ideal choice either, and I dare say that other than a once-in-a-lifetime 'just to say I did it,' the majority of those 'supporting him' would like to have him over more than twice for dinner.

It is a sad state of affairs that is all this country has to offer, because that is the degree of degeneration it has allowed itself to succumb to.

In other words, the vast majority of the potential 'conservative' voting pool does not trust the 'Republican Party' over Donald Trump.  And rightfully so.

Offline Scottftlc

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Publicly, party leaders are reluctant to fully reject Trump and Cruz’s brand of politics. Privately, however, they are in nearly universal agreement that Haley’s compassion represents the right approach, both politically and morally.

Compassion...really...that's what our politics should be based on?  Compassion?

Compassion caused the deaths in San Bernardino, compassion caused the deaths in Paris.  Compassion caused the mass rape and assaults in Cologne.  Compassion caused the Boston Marathon bombings. Our compassion is going to be the death of us all.

Politics should be based in reality, not a new age fantasy story.
Well, George Lewis told the Englishman, the Italian and the Jew
You can't open your mind, boys, to every conceivable point of view

...Bob Dylan


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Cuckservatives: Nimrata Randhawa Haley’s Official Republican Response To The State of the Union Address

Carpetbagger Nimrata Haley gushes over how South Carolina took down the Confederate flag

In case you need to be reminded, there are plenty of Republicans who are coming up for reelection this November WHO DO NOT DESERVE TO BE REELECTED on Trump’s coattails should he win the nomination:

Note: Whatever you do, look before you leap. Don’t let your enthusiasm for Trump translate into voting straight ticket for Republican for the likes of Nimrata Haley or Paul Ryan.

FULL VIDEO: Nikki Haley with GOP Response to SOTU Address

'Cuckservative' is a term heavily used in places like Stormfront.

Same for your link.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2016, 04:32:49 pm by HonestJohn »

Offline Carling

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Once again, against all odds, the GOPe is about to do the impossible and elect Barack Obama's successor - Hillary Clinton.

Ripping Defeat From The Jaws Of Victory takes on new meaning.

The GOPe wants this, in order

1). Rubio or Jeb -both bought and paid
2). Hillary - the status quo
Last). Cruz or Trump - goodbye gravy train
Trump has created a cult and looks more and more like Hitler every day.


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'Cuckservative' is a term heavily used in places like Stormfront.

Same for your link.


Please try again.

‘Cuckservative’ Is a Gloriously Effective Insult That Should Not Be Slurred, Demonised, or Ridiculed

Well! What a lot of drama in the conservative blogosphere over an apparently trivial diss: the word “cuckservative.” I’m going to lose some friends and admirers with what follows, but who cares. Let me explain to you what you should think about this ridiculous internecine quarrel.

The drama started on July 22, when Rush Limbaugh referred to critics of Donald Trump as “cuckolded Republicans.” A day later, Red State’s Erick Erickson said the term was “coined by white supremacists” as a “slur against Christian voters.” This was echoed by a Daily Caller columnist, and then reported on in the liberal New Republic. By then, the internet was on fire with allegations that “cuckservative” was a racist term.


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The GOPe wants this, in order

1). Rubio or Jeb -both bought and paid
2). Hillary - the status quo
Last). Cruz or Trump - goodbye gravy train


This can easily be summarized, capsulized, and condensed into three words:  The Chamber of Commerce

Offline Longiron

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Pompous, heady, condescending, egotistic, manipulating, mesmerizing, and hypnotizing.

Does this best describe Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?

The 'great dilemma' at the moment is that the majority of bystanders are unable to distinguish just how different the two really are.  And the even 'greater dilemma' for the eGOP is that their thinking heads cannot offer a better choice over either one.

Trump is by no means my ideal choice either, and I dare say that other than a once-in-a-lifetime 'just to say I did it,' the majority of those 'supporting him' would like to have him over more than twice for dinner.

It is a sad state of affairs that is all this country has to offer, because that is the degree of degeneration it has allowed itself to succumb to.

In other words, the vast majority of the potential 'conservative' voting pool does not trust the 'Republican Party' over Donald Trump.  And rightfully so.

Luv or hate TRUMP one thing is certain: he is NOT owned by NO ONE. He has no DONORS to answer to and people do NOT really understand how important that is. DONORS influence most every LAW that these scunbags vote on and the reason they vote Y or N is because of a DONAR interest somewhere in play. How many were paid off in the recent OMNIBUS bill passed. Say 99% of the RINOGOPe and you are close. WHY because the DONOR class wanted it to go through and at least 70% of the peasants (people) were against it. NOT to worry though it is a election year and all will talk and act conservative to get elected. :patriot:


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Please try again.

‘Cuckservative’ Is a Gloriously Effective Insult That Should Not Be Slurred, Demonised, or Ridiculed

Well! What a lot of drama in the conservative blogosphere over an apparently trivial diss: the word “cuckservative.” I’m going to lose some friends and admirers with what follows, but who cares. Let me explain to you what you should think about this ridiculous internecine quarrel.

The drama started on July 22, when Rush Limbaugh referred to critics of Donald Trump as “cuckolded Republicans.” A day later, Red State’s Erick Erickson said the term was “coined by white supremacists” as a “slur against Christian voters.” This was echoed by a Daily Caller columnist, and then reported on in the liberal New Republic. By then, the internet was on fire with allegations that “cuckservative” was a racist term.


I did not talk of the origin of the term.

I talked about how it is heavily used by members of Stormfront and by extention... other Aryan nation sites.

And your source link is also favored by the same.


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I did not talk of the origin of the term.

I talked about how it is heavily used by members of Stormfront and by extention... other Aryan nation sites.

And your source link is also favored by the same.


Offline Scottftlc

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I did not talk of the origin of the term.

I talked about how it is heavily used by members of Stormfront and by extention... other Aryan nation sites.

And your source link is also favored by the same.

Well, did you know that Hitler liked dogs?  So I guess everyone that likes dogs is really a Nazi.
Well, George Lewis told the Englishman, the Italian and the Jew
You can't open your mind, boys, to every conceivable point of view

...Bob Dylan


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Irrelevant to my point and to your rebuttal.

Here's a picture of equal relevance.


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Well, did you know that Hitler liked dogs?  So I guess everyone that likes dogs is really a Nazi.

Dogs are not slang.  Dogs are not cognitive ideas developed by men to express an idea.  Dogs are not learned.  Dogs are not taught to other people.

Cuckservative expresses an idea.  An idea generated by men of a certain political bent.  To know of it and how to use it, it must be seen in use and the meaning taught to you by others.  Most of those hang out at Stormfront and other similar sites.

Therefore, your rebuttal in nonsensical.

« Last Edit: January 14, 2016, 05:19:43 pm by HonestJohn »


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Dogs are not slang.  Dogs are not cognitive ideas developed by men to express an idea.  Dogs are not learned.  Dogs are not taught to other people.

Therefore, your rebuttal in nonsensical.


How much money do you stand to lose if Donald Trump is elected POTUS?

Other than that, why do you hate Donald Trump?


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How much money do you stand to lose if Donald Trump is elected POTUS?

Other than that, why do you hate Donald Trump?

More distraction.  It must be dear to your heart if this generates such outrage as opposed to an 'Oh, I didn't know that.  Thanks for the head's-up!'.

(now back to work-will not see responses till evening)
« Last Edit: January 14, 2016, 05:23:08 pm by HonestJohn »

Offline Scottftlc

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Dogs are not slang.  Dogs are not cognitive ideas developed by men to express an idea.  Dogs are not learned.  Dogs are not taught to other people.

Therefore, your rebuttal in nonsensical.

Absolutely not, your connection of the terminology is what is nonsensical, and my post merely points that out.  Because someone chooses a terminology to use as their own is their own choice.  The people who originally meant that terminology to mean something else are not responsible for someone using it for something different - unless the copyright it and then allow its use.  Let's use ISIS as a comparative example - a very nasty group - well, they use the Islamic term Allah Akabar when they kill people in the name of Islam.  Now, we have establishment politicians falling all over themselves - literally going nuts telling people that this is not Isalm - even though Allah Akabar is a term that is very central to the Islalmic religion.  But here you are saying that because some nasty group co-opted a different term that was created by someone else for an entirely different purpose and meaning - that term's use becomes permanently tainted by them touching it.  That, my friend, is a logical fallacy.
Well, George Lewis told the Englishman, the Italian and the Jew
You can't open your mind, boys, to every conceivable point of view

...Bob Dylan