Author Topic: Krauthammer Says the Obama/Clinton 10:00 PM Phone Call May Be 'The Biggest Scandal Of All'  (Read 1483 times)

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Krauthammer Says the Obama/Clinton 10:00 PM Phone Call May Be 'The Biggest Scandal Of All'
by Debra Heine 28 May 2013
In response to The Obama/Clinton 10:00 Phone Call:

On the O'Reilly Factor, tonight, Charles Krauthammer brought up the 10:00 pm phone call between  Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama, whose activities on the night of the 9/11 attack in Benghazi have yet to be scrutinized. What did he do for those eight hours? Krauthammer posited that the answer to this question could be the biggest scandal of all.

Via Gateway Pundit:

I think there is a bigger story here that will in time come out. The biggest scandal of all, the biggest question is what was the president doing in those eight hours. He had a routine meeting at five o’clock. He never after during the eight hours when our guys have their lives in danger, he never called the Secretary of Defense, he never calls the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, he never called the CIA Director, Who does he call? But five hours in he calls the Secretary of State. And after the phone call she releases a statement essentially about the video and how we denounce any intolerance. It looks as if the only phone call is to construct a cover story at a time when the last two Americans who died were still alive and fighting for their lives. There’s the scandal and that has to be uncovered.”

Watch the video at the link.

As you may remember, Clinton said in a statement following the 10:00 pm phone call; "some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet. The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation."

We now know that the talking points were manipulated to conceal the truth about what happened and pin the blame for the attack on a spontaneous demonstration against the "inflammatory" Youtube video. The Regime would continue the ruse until it was no longer tenable. 

That 10:00 phone call may well be genesis of the YouTube video narrative.

 One wonders if Obama consulted his longtime consigliere, Valerie Jarrett at some point between 5:00 pm and 10:00 pm.... Her role as Obama's most trusted advisor has permitted her to involve herself in even the most sensitive foreign affairs.


    That would surely be the case in this instance in light of Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan’s insightful observation:

    “The Obama White House sees every event as a political event . Because of that, it could not tolerate the idea that the armed assault on the Benghazi consulate was a premeditated act of Islamist terrorism. That would carry a whole world of unhappy political implications and demand certain actions. And the American presidential election was only eight weeks away. They wanted this problem to go away, or at least to bleed the meaning from it.”

    To rephrase Sen. Howard Baker famous questions from an earlier congressional investigation of a presidential cover-up called Watergate: What did Ms. Jarrett do, and when did she do it?

And why did they think they could get away with it? Because as Andrew McCarthy noted at NRO, they had always gotten away with lying in the past. There was no reason for them to think they wouldn't get away with it, again.
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And why did they think they could get away with it? Because as Andrew McCarthy noted at NRO, they had always gotten away with lying in the past. There was no reason for them to think they wouldn't get away with it, again.

With a palace guard media that is willing to do whatever it takes to protect their king, the administration is safe. They will get away with it again. Those in a position to bring this to light, won't do so.

I can't find words to adequately express my hate and contempt for the American media.

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What, me worry?